Supervision of connections

Revised for CPX 4.7.0.
Vision of COR sessions status
Vision of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections status
Vision of EIR connections status

System supervision

Vision of COR sessions status top

Each communication port served by the Connection Oriented Router (COR) and "RUNNING" is provided with a maximum number of sessions equal to the sum of the PVC and SVC channels configured in its parameters.

Session numbering always starts from 1 and it is contiguous.

In SVC sessions, the index (SES:) is not related to the number of the logical channel in use (LGCN), while in PVC ones they coincide (SES:=LGCN).

Commands for displaying the sessions status are described in the section COR connections of chapter Commands relating to the Connection Oriented Router. The available commands are:


The command D C shows the current status of sessions. Here is an example of displaying all the ports status, shown values are examples:

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D C PO:A

PO:0   SES:1   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:4    CG:                PR:0     
PO:0   SES:2   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:0   SES:3   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:1    CG:                PR:0     

PO:21  SES:1   DOWN       CLR:F0,B0  

PO:301 SES:1   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:2   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:3   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:4   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:5   UP         CLR:F0,B0  



PO:905 SES:1   CONN TO    PO:0   SES:3    CD:00              PR:0     
PO:905 SES:2   UP         CLR:F0,D0  
PO:905 SES:3   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:905 SES:4   CONN TO    PO:0   SES:1    CD:00              PR:0     
PO:905 SES:5   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:905 SES:6   UP         CLR:00,00  

As the previous example shows, for active connections the following information set is displayed:

For not active connections the following information set is displayed:

The command D CE shows the current status of sessions, it also displays the call data for active and not active sessions. Here is an example of the information displayed after executing this command. Shown values are examples.

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D CE PO:A

PO:0   SES:1   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:4  
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP  
PO:0   SES:2   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:0   SES:3   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:1  
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP  

PO:21  SES:1   DOWN       CLR:F0,B0  

PO:301 SES:1   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:2   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:3   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:4   UP         CLR:F0,B0  
PO:301 SES:5   UP         CLR:F0,B0  



PO:905 SES:1   CONN TO    PO:0   SES:3  
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP  
PO:905 SES:2   UP         CLR:F0,D0  
PO:905 SES:3   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:905 SES:4   CONN TO    PO:0   SES:1  
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP  
PO:905 SES:5   UP         CLR:00,00  
PO:905 SES:6   UP         CLR:00,00  

For active connections the following information set is displayed:

For not active connections values related to the last connection or last connection try are displayed:

It is important to underline that these commands work only on "RUNNING" ports, which have also to be served by the COR. To have a list of all the running ports, use the command D RUN.

If a given port is "RUNNING" but neither SVC or PVC sessions have been configured, both the commands will show the message "NO SESSION AVAILABLE" in correspondence of that port.

The following example shows extended information about a single port, the other example demonstrate how to clear a particular connection:

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D CE PO:0

PO:0   SES:1   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:4
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP
PO:0   SES:2   UP         CLR:00,00
PO:0   SES:3   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:1
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP


[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D CE PO:0

PO:0   SES:1   UP         CLR:F0,A2
PO:0   SES:2   UP         CLR:00,00
PO:0   SES:3   CONN FROM  PO:905 SES:1
       CG:                CD:00               PID:01000000 UD:CP
Table 1. Parameters of COR sessions status.
Parameter Values Meaning
PO: 0-999 Source port
SES: 1-255 Session of source port
Status message see further Status Message
PO: 0-999 Destination port
SES: 1-255 Session of destination port
CG: from 0 up to 15 decimal digits Calling address
CD: from 0 up to 15 decimal digits Called address
CLR: see appendix Cause and diagnostics clearing codes
RST: see appendix Reset cause and diagnostics (Only for PVC)
PID: from 0 up to 4 hexadecimal digits Protocol IDentifier, i.e. the first 4 bytes of user data field
UD: from 0 up to 12 alphanumerical characters User data starting from the 5th byte
IPSRC: - IP source address (Only for SVC and XTP ports)
IPDEST: - IP destination address (Only for SVC and XTP ports)
PR: 0 - 99 SVC routing identifier in use (Only for SVC)
ID: 0-31 PVC routing identifier in use (Only for PVC)

Session status is not identified by a specific parameter, but simply shown. In the following table, is showed the list of the possible "Status Messages" and their meaning (they depend on the session type).

Table 2. State messages of COR sessions.
Message Meaning
UNDEFINED Session status at the system start
HALTED Port is halted
DOWN Switched session: the port is not in its "READY" state, session cannot be activated
UP Switched session: the port is in its "READY" state, session can be activated
CALLED Switched session: call request received
CALLING Switched session: call request sent
CLEARED Switched session: clear request received
CLEARING Switched session: clear request sent
CONN TO Switched session: the session is active and ready to exchange data after sending the call request (CALLING -> CONN TO)
CONN FROM Switched session: the session is active and ready to exchange data after receiving the call request (CALLED -> CONN FROM)
OPENING Permanent connection: opening in progress. The RESET 00,00 is sent
CLOSING Permanent connection: closing in progress. The RESET F0,40 is sent
CLOSED Permanent connection: closing complete
PVC-DOWN Permanent connection: the port is not in its "READY" state, session cannot be activated
PVC-N/U Permanent connection: connection not or badly configured
PVC-UP Permanent connection: session active and ready to exchange data
RESET Session, switched or permanent, has received a RESET packet, but not its acknowledged
RESETTING Session, switched or permanent, has sent a RESET packet, but not received its acknowledged

Vision of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections status top

Command for displaying the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections status are described in the section Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections of chapter Commands relating to the Analogue VOICE Router. The available commands are:


The command D VC shows the current status of all the Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections. Here is an example of the command execution. Shown values are only examples.

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D VC

ID Numi Numo  Poi Chi    State    Grp Poo Cho  VrID    Sp      Bw   
-- ---- ----  --- ---  ---------  --- --- ---  ----  ------  ------
0   555  666   60   1  BUSY         1  63   -     0       0       0
1   2    2     61   1  CONNECTED      502   1     4    4800    6200    
2   376  20   501   1  CONNECTED       61   2     2    6400    7800

For active connections are displayed:

Table 3. Status parameters of VOICE connections.
Parameter Values Meaning
ID 0 - 255 Connection identifier
Numi from 0 up to 4 digits, '0'..'9' Input number
Numo from 0 up to 4 digits, '0'..'9' Output number
Poi 0 - 999 Input port
Chi 1 - 255, - Input channel
State see further Status Message of the connection.
Grp 1 - 15, no value VOICE Group
Poo 0 - 999 Output port
Cho 1 - 255, - Output channel
VrID from 0 up to 64 Identifier of the Fxs/Fxo VOICE routing in use
Sp 4800, 6400, 7200, 8000, 9600, 10400, 12800, 16000 bit/sec. Actual transmission speed on the connection
Bw 6200, 7800, 8800, 9400, 11000, 12000, 14200, 17400 bit/sec. Bandwidth actually used by the connection

Session status is identified by a specific message. In the following table, is showed the list of the possible State parameter values and their meaning.

Table 4. Status messages of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections.
Status message Meaning
CALLING It is going to be set up
BUSY The number dialled is busy
CLOSING It is going to be released
CONNECTED It is active

Vision of EIR connections status top

Command for displaying the EIR connections status are described in the section EIR connections of chapter Commands relating to the Enhanced ISDN Router. The available commands are:


The command D EC shows the status of the EIR connections actually running. Here is an example of the command execution. Shown values are examples.

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D EC

ID  Type Input    Output   PR   State   Cgi (Calling Input) Cdo (Called Output)  
--- ---- -------- -------- -- --------- ------------------- -------------------
125 TR   291      283      22 CONNECTED                     376390774
181 TR   290      280      19 CONNECTED 381650866           376397398
196 TR   290      282      19 CALLING   444687062           376397398

For active connections are displayed:

Table 5. Parameters of the EIR connection status.
Parameter Values Meaning
ID 0 - 255 Connection identifier
Type TR, VtoC, CtoV, CtoC, DATA, Clus Connection type
Input 0-999, G00-G32, 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z' Port and/or group and/or identifier value of the input Cluster channel
Output 0-999, G00-G32, 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z' Port and/or group and/or identifier value of the output, remote Cluster channel
PR 0 - 99 Priority of the EIR routing in use
State see further Connection State Message
Cgi from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Input calling number
Cdo from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Output called number

The command D ECE shows the status of the EIR connections actually running, using an extended format with more informations. Here is an example of the command execution:

[14:40:11] ABILIS_CPX: D ECE

ID:125 TYPE:TR    POI:291  GPI:#   POO:283  GPO:#   PR:22  ST:CONNECTED   
      CGI:                     CGO:   
      SGI:                     SGO:   
      CDI:376390774            CDO:376390774   
      SDI:                     SDO:   

ID:181 TYPE:TR    POI:290  GPI:#   POO:280  GPO:#   PR:19  ST:CONNECTED   
      CGI:381650866            CGO:381650866   
      SGI:                     SGO:   
      CDI:376397398            CDO:376397398   
      SDI:                     SDO:   

ID:197 TYPE:TR    POI:290  GPI:#   POO:282  GPO:#   PR:20  ST:CALLING   
      CGI:3486508535           CGO:3486508535   
      SGI:                     SGO:   
      CDI:376396548            CDO:376396548   
      SDI:                     SDO:   
Table 6. State parameter of the connection EIR, extended format.
Parameter Values Meaning
ID: 0 - 255 Connection identifier
TYPE: TR, VtoC, CtoV, CtoC, DATA, Clus Connection type
POI: 0 - 999 Input port
GPI: 1 - 15, # Input Group
POO: 0..999 Output port
GPO: 1 - 15, # Output Group
PR: 0 - 99 Priority of the EIR routing in use
ST: see further Current connection state
CGI: from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Input calling number
SGI: from 0 up to 20 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Input calling sub-address
CDI: from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Input called number
SDI: from 0 up to 20 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Input called sub-address
CGO: from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Output calling number
SGO: from 0 up to 20 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Output calling sub-address
CDO: from 0 up to 20 digits, '0'..'9' Output called number
SDO: from 0 up to 20 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Output called sub-address
SR: from 0 up to 8 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Identifier of the source Cluster channel (only for CtoV, CtoC, Clus connection types)
DS: from 0 up to 8 characters, '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z' Identifier of the destination Cluster channel (only for VtoC, CtoC, Clus connection types)
SP: 4800 - 16000 bit/sec. Actual rate of the compressed speech (only for VtoC, CtoV, CtoC connections type)
BW: 6200 - 17400 bit/sec. Currently used bandwidth (only for VtoC, CtoV, CtoC connections type)
SC: NO, YES State of silence suppression function (only for VtoC, CtoV, CtoC connections type)

Session status is identified by a specific message. In the following table, is showed the list of the possible ST: parameter values and their meaning.

Table 7. State messages of EIR connections.
State Message Meaning
CALLING Call request has been sent to the addressee
ALERTING The addressee sent back an ALERT message: his telephone is ringing
CONNECTED Connection is active: the addressee picked up the receiver
CONN-TMD The connection is still active, however the disconnection timer following inactivity is running. The value of the timer is configured in DT: parameter of EIR cluster routings.
WAIT-REL Transitory state which occurs only in congestion situations (MXPC: parameter too small): release request has been queued, waiting free resources
RELEASING Connection is going to be released
ERROR Internal error. Contact the CPX assistance
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