LAN adapters

Ethernet 10 Mbps
Fast-Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
Token-Ring 4/16 Mbps

Other adapters

Ethernet 10 Mbps adapter top

The Ethernet adapter has the following interface and provides the following services:

Interface selction is automatically made, depending on which of them is connected to the LAN. The 10BaseT interface has the highest priority.

Above the RJ45 connector (10BaseT interface) there are 2 indicators (leds), LINK and ACT, described in the following table.

In each Abilis it is possible to plug up to 2 Ethernet adapters (more than 2 in the customized Abilis versions).

Ethernet 10 Mpbs
Figure 12. Ethernet 10 Mbps adapter.

Table 13. Ethernet, indicators LINK and ACT.
Indication Meaning
LINK off The 10BaseT interface is disconnected or the link cable is not good.
LINK on The 10BaseT interface is connected and correctly working; the "BNC" interface is deactivated.
LINK intermittent The link to the 10BaseT is faulty.
ACT off There is no activity to/from the Ethernet port.
ACT on or intermittent Activity is present; the Ethernet port is receiving or sending data.

The adapter is configured before it is delivered to the customer: it cannot be reconfigured by the User. The configuration is indicated on the tag place in the adapter itself. For more detailed information refer to the chapter Ports numbering and adapters configuration.

Fast-Ethernet 10/100 Mbps adapter top

The Fast-Ethernet adapter has the following interface and provides the following services:

Above the RJ45 connector (10BaseT interface) there are 2 indicators (leds), LINK and ACT, described in the following table.

In each Abilis it is possible to plug up to 2 Ethernet adapters (more than 2 in the customized Abilis versions).

Fast-Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
Figure 13. Fast-Ethernet 10/100 Mbps adapter.

Table 14. Fast-Ethernet, indicators LINK and ACT.
Indication Meaning
LINK off Interface is disconnected or activated on 10BaseT.
LINK on Interface is active on 100BaseTx.
LINK intermittent Link is faulty.
ACT off There is no activity to/from the Ethernet port.
ACT on or intermittent Activity is present; the Ethernet port is receiving or sending data.

Being a PCI adapter, no jumpers/switches configuration is needed.

Token-Ring 4/16 Mbps Adapter top

The Token-ring adapter has the following interface and provides the following services:

L'adattatore Token-ring fornisce i seguenti servizi e dispone delle seguenti interfacce:

Above the DB-9 connector there are 2 leds, described in the following table.;

In each Abilis it is possible to plug up to 1 Token-ring (more than 1 in the customized Abilis versions).

TokenRing 4/16 Mbps
Figure 14. Token-ring 4/16 Mbps adapter.

Table 15. Token-Ring, indicators --- and ---.
Indication Meaning

Being a PCI adapter, no jumpers/switches configuration is needed.

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