Abilis CPX 2000, release 8.9

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.5

Released on November 20, 2020.


  • none

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in password evaluation that in some special cases could cause a sw exception and system reboot.

  • Fixed a bug in password evaluation that in some special cases could cause a sw exception and system reboot.

  • Fixed a bug in AX88179 driver that in presence of malformed USB data could cause a sw exception and system reboot.

Control Port
  • Fixed a bug in password evaluation that in some special cases could cause a sw exception and system reboot.

  • Fixed a bug in searching for CTI cluster references: false references could be shown because the procedure was wrongly scanning RU and MR lists too.

  • Fixed a bug when deleting a user: the TRFA files of that user were not deleted while they should..

Cti router
  • Fixed a bug in alternative routing evaluation that was not stopped when an outgoing call goes to Active state, but immediately closed because of a dropped incoming call.

  • Fixed wrong sides evaluation during CT causing a wrong LatestCallState value in ACNT.

  • Several fixes in Click&call service used via OPC pages. In several situation the call was either not performed, or went mute, or negotiated wrong codec.

  • Fixed a bug in SDP of an UPDATE response if single codec was selected after a multiple codec proposal. The bug caused the presence of the original multiple codecs instead of the single selected one.

Ip router
  • Fixed a bug that caused R-ID and LOOP routings to have GW: field unnecessarily set if the IpRes with the highest index has IPADD:DHCP and DHCP-GW:YES.

  • Fixed supported configuration file names. The version was limited to two digits 'Mm' (Major Minor), now up to four digits 'MMmm' are supported.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented to use virtual/physical paths that contain '.' in the name.

  • Improved handling of SERVER/RELAY processing to better handle concurrent requests when ICMPCHK:YES..

    It also solves a possible deadlock condition in presence of buggy DHCP clients.

Known bugs

  • None

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.4

Released on September 25, 2020.


  • none

Bug fixes

  • Fixed parsing of compressed QNAME responses.

    A too restrictive check discarded compressed answers with consecutive pointers.

Known bugs

  • None

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.3

Released on September 24, 2020.


  • none

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Click-and-Call feature.

    There were several problems: unnecessarily dropped calls, mute calls, missing coder change and coders mismatch.

  • Fixed handling of SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY messages used for BLF (busy-lamp-field).

    The bug caused loss of messages and FRMWR in system log.

  • Added deletion of SIP CAPabilities if user's SIP-TYPE is changed to a value different from PHONE.

  • Changed minimal value for mxps to be 2972.

  • Improved Q931C reinitialization.

    This new method should better recover from internal errors.

  • Fixed handling of crossing outgoing/incoming hold to/from CTISIP. The bug caused a connection side in improper state and a FRMWR in system log.

  • Fixed bug caused by IPSEC reassembler when NAT is active too..

    The bug caused that fragmented packets that should have been natted/routed, i.e. not for internal IPSEC, were dropped instead..

  • Fixed a bug that impeded to set description for IP routings

  • Fixed bug when setting a different IPRES to an unconditional source route: unconditional flag was lost and routing became conditional.

  • Fixed bug when using D IPRE with IP: filter: the description of other IPRes was wrongly shown too.

  • Changed behaviour of D IPR with IP: filter: now check is made also inside IPLB, if present.

  • Fixed bug in display of source routes when IP: filter is used (D IPR IP:x): the destination part of source routing was not shown.

  • Fixed a bug that in case of misconfiguration between the players of a VRID caused a wrong change from BACKUP to MASTER state, with obvious big problems.

    Typical misconfiguration is a different number or different set of IP addresses.

  • Maximal packet size increased from 512 to 1500 bytes.

    Original DNS rfc required 512 bytes as maximum but nowadays this rule is not valid anymore.

  • Changed minimum dg-reas-size from 2200 to 3000.

  • Improved statistics.

    [17:56:37] ABILIS_CPX:d s udp
    RES:Udp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
           --- Cleared 0 days 01:29:22 ago, on 24/09/2020 at 16:28:26 -------------
           FRM        |      15892|       9842|NO-PORT    |       5861|           |
           CHK-ERR    |          0|           |REAS-FAIL  |          0|           |
           LOST       |          0|           |REAS-LONG  |          0|           |
           LONG       |          0|           |RECV-DELAY |        724|           |
    [17:57:48] ABILIS_CPX:d se udp
    RES:Udp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
           --- Cleared 0 days 01:29:29 ago, on 24/09/2020 at 16:28:25 -------------
           - UDP Sessions ---------------------------------------------------------
           SES   Lsn           LocPort[:EndRange]  Resource
           2     0003 (    3)     5060:5160        CtiSip
           FRM        |       3162|       2751|CHAR       |    1598013|    1440933|
           LOST       |          0|           |REAS-FAIL  |          0|           |
           LONG       |          0|           |REAS-LONG  |          0|           |
                      |           |           |RECV-DELAY |        716|           |
           3     0004 (    4)    16536:16686       CtiSip
           FRM        |          0|          0|CHAR       |          0|          0|
           LOST       |          0|           |REAS-FAIL  |          0|           |
           LONG       |          0|           |REAS-LONG  |          0|           |
                      |           |           |RECV-DELAY |          0|           |
    [17:57:54] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                 

  • The option -nocall in WARM START command now ignores DATA calls.

  • Various help fixes.

  • UDP: Obsoleted 'cxUdpStInErrors' in cxUdpStTable. Updated MIB and html document.

  • UDP: Added 'cxUdpStReasLongIn' to cxUdpStTable, and added 'cxUdpStConReasLongIn' to cxUdpStConTable. Updated MIB and html document.

  • UDP: Added 'cxUdpStLongIn' and 'cxUdpStReasFailIn' to cxUdpStTable, and added 'cxUdpStConLongIn' and 'cxUdpStConReasFailIn' to cxUdpStConTable. Updated MIB and html document. UDP

Known bugs

  • None

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.2

Released on August 12, 2020.


  • none

Bug fixes

  • Fixed handling of SIP-BC-TRANSP:parameter.

    The BC (bearer capability) of incoming calls was set to Speech regardless of SIP-BC-TRANSP: parameter value.

    Now the problem is solved, when the incoming INVITE contains ONLY the codec CLEARMODE and SIP-BD-TRANSP:UDI, the BC is properly set to UDI.

  • Added 100 msec delay when sending re-INVITE with single codec after 200 OK response with multiple codec was received.

    Some devices are too slow and reject the re-INVITE with 491 Request Pending, requiring a 2.1 .. 4 seconds delay prior to repeat the re-INVITE. This causes a delay in RTP start that is perceivable and annoying.

  • Changed reaction to 491 Request Pending response.

    Now we use the minimal allowed retry delay of 2.1 seconds instead of random 2.1..4 seconds to speed up the retries.

  • Fixed a bug that caused ECHO and DATA packets to be counted as BAD-SRC when PATH is DOWN.

  • Added DEBUG LSN:22 to show some info about latest packets that increased BAD-SRC statistic.

  • Fixed a bug when setting HOST PEER-IP: parameter: setting of IP value didn't work.

  • Fixed a bug with SECONDARY DNS.

    The outgoing IpRes of the secondary DNS was wrongly enforced to be the same of PRIMARY DNS.

    This caused problems when the SECONDARY is reachable though an IpRes different from the PRIMARY.

  • Added "FORCED" tag when the outgoing IpRes is enforced by upper driver to skip the routing table.

Known bugs

  • None

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.1

Released on July 27, 2020.


  • Added remote IP address in SIP CALLS records.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed CLIENT reaction when receiving an AUTH-REQ packet while not in DISCOVERY-REQUEST state, the AUTH-REQ is now ignored and event logged.

    Before it was answered with AUTH-RSP causing DOWN-UP on SERVER side and counters misalignment with CLIENT side, a weakness that let a second client with identical configuration and spoofed IP to create problems to the legitimate client.

  • Fixed CLIENT reaction when receiving an AUTH-REQ packet while not in DISCOVERY-REQUEST state, the AUTH-REQ is now ignored and event logged.

    Before it was answered with AUTH-RSP causing DOWN-UP on both CLIENT and SERVER sides, a weakness that let a second client with identical configuration and spoofed IP to force DOWN/UP of the path.

  • Renamed SIP and DIP to SRES and DRES.

  • Fixed bug that caused DPD to close SA in case DPD was locally ENABLED but remotely DISABLED.

    If remote sent a R-U-THERE packet although it declared DPD DISABLED, Abilis answered with R-U-THERE-ACK and enabled DPD timeout, and if remote did not send R-U-THERE packets within every timeout the SA was closed.

    Now the R-U-THERE is answered but timeout not started.

  • Fixed D D IKE HOST diagnostic, the NAT SIDE: in some situations shown wrong values.

Ip router
  • Replaced SIP and DIP with SRES and DRES in IPFLOW display.

  • Internal extensions to support the new HTTP GUI under development. Should not affect current usage.

  • Fixed counting of SUCC-CALL and FAIL-CALL statistics. Temporary patch of 8.9.0 removed.

  • Fixed Call Forward (CF) to Voice Mail (VM) if SIP-VM-RULE:ALWAYS is used. The bug caused the rejection of the call.

  • Fixed software exception with system reboot caused by remote codec buffer overflow.

    With repeated SDP processing (e.g. several '183 Session Progress' responses) the buffer was not cleared at every message, leading sooner or later to a buffer overflow.

  • Removed logging or not authorized calls from SIP CALLS records.

    If SIP received an INVITE that was either dropped or later did not succeed the AUTHENTICATION a failed call of duration 0 was unnecessarily logged in SIP CALLS records.

  • Fixed processing of incoming calls delivered to CTIR with just T.38 codec.

    It now correctly matches VOICE (or SPEECH) bearer capability instead of the previously wrong DATA (or UDI).

Eth - EthUsb
  • Hidden DUPLEX: parameter when MODE:AUTO is used since it is not relevant.

  • Improved protection to files opened for the week/month/year records update when ABILIS is going to reboot. The opened files are now gracefully closed before proceeding with reboot to further reduce the risk of file corruption.

Known bugs

  • None

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.9.0

Released on July 3, 2020.

Enhancements summary

  • Automatic configuration conversion in Abilis and in offline tool config.exe. The tools ConvCfgW.exe and ConvCfg.exe have been deprecated.

  • Introduced semi-automatic system update via SYS UPDATE AUTO command. It makes possible an easy update of Abilis to newer versions.

  • Added a new method for SSH/TELNET CP login using individual username/password and access privileges. In this mode a special user named super is always present with superuser privilege.

  • Extended trace format to version 10.0 and added use of Res: in addition to Po: .

  • Added support of exFAT file system.

  • Improved RESET command to permit a simpler reset of various hardware devices and resources. Very useful to reset DSL, ETHMODEM, CELLKEY, CELLBOX, ETHUSB devices. It can also be used to reset/clear the NAT maps.

  • Large improvements in IKE/IPSEC:

    • Support of AES hardware encryption,

    • New IKE AGGRESSIVE mode.

    • Redesign of configuration and diagnostic.

  • Cti router has been extended with:

    • ^_ wildcards. ^ is for any single digit [0..9], _ is for any amount of digits [0..9]

    • INP (ISDN Numbers Pair) list for a simultaneous match of calling (CG) and called (CD) numbers.

    • Per-user lists of permitted called numbers for phone calls (xxx-CDI-PERMIT)

    • CTISYS parameter CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE. It is used to take an action if the user xxx-CDI-PERMIT verification fails.

    • SIP causes logging and passing.

  • Accounting service has been extended with a local storage of CDR files.

  • Various LCS improvements, some of them been already backported in 8.8.11.

  • NPV/PV conversion sets V-OPT:NO, to have it disabled by default.

  • SIP service has been completely redesigned and extended with many new features:

    • Added PRACK and UPDATE methods.

    • Added QUALIFY procedure.

    • Added SIP-NNI for SIP trunk interconnection as per ST-769 specification (network-network-interconnection).

    • Added HISTORY-INFO tag, as per ST-769 specification.

    • Added RTP and T38 packet reordering.

    • Improved T38 negotiation handling to better manage coder switch and rejections.

    • Added possibility to trace SIP signalling only or SIP signalling+RTP packets.

    • Registry table now shows all SIP users and their state. The state changes can be delivered to a SYSLOG server.

    • SIP call data can be delivered to a SYLOG server, moreover the latest 1000 calls are kept in ram memory and are visible via D SIP CALLS command. Each record contains several fields like timestamps, numbers, users, state reached, RTP ad T38 statistics.

    • Improved diagnostics with more filtering options.

    • When RTP-CPO is used it now starts with the initial INVITE instead of call answer.

    • Many other improvements and bugfixes.

  • Extended SYSLOG LOCAL-SOURCES range with SIPREG and SIPCALL.

  • Large internal improvement and optimization for all data ciphers.

  • Removed support of obsolete and insecure ciphers RC2, RC4, DES.

  • Config.exe tools now permits variable screen size and scroll back, and stores the latest window size set.

  • TrcMgrW.exe now propose an extraction format based on type of traced port. It also allows extraction of multiple "compatible" resources to a single .pcap file. It also shows the Resource in addition to the port.

  • Several other enhancements and bugfixes..


  • Abilis is now able to convert configuration 7.9.x or newer by itself, at startup.

    When Abilis starts and finds a DRIVERS.CFG of a previous version it will:

    • save a copy of old version into DRIVERS_X-Y.CFG (X=Major and Y=Minor version)

    • convert old version to DRIVERS.CFG of the new version

    In the system log of 8.9.0 you will find messages like these:

    30/10/2019 09:54:53 [00640] CONF: CFG CONVERTED (from v.8.8)
    30/10/2019 09:54:53 [00079] CONF: SAVED DRIVERS_8-8.CFG  

    If your Abilis is currently running version 8.8.2 or newer you can save DRIVERS.CFG directly in 8.9.0 version, you will just be warned, otherwise you have to copy it there by some other way, e.g. using file copy command or ftp.

    Example of save conf from 8.8.2 to 8.9.0, when 8.9.0 does not contain a correct drivers.cfg.
    [20:12:57] ABILIS_CPX:save conf 8.9.0
    [20:13:41] ABILIS_CPX:

  • The tool CONFIG.EXE is now able to convert older configuration, as Abilis does (7.9.x or newer). You will be asked to confirm the conversion and the old configuration will be saved as DRIVERS_X-Y.CFG (X=Major and Y=Minor version):

    File 'DRIVERS.CFG' is of v.8.8 and must be converted to v.8.9.
    The original 'DRIVERS.CFG' will be preserved as 'DRIVERS_8-8.CFG'.
    Proceed with conversion (N/Y)? y
    Converting file 'DRIVERS.CFG' from v.8.8 to v.8.9...
    Conversion successfully completed.
     - CONFIG (Off-line configurator for Abilis CPX) - v. 2102    - 15/10/2019 -
     - Abilis CPX - Build 4583 -
     - (c) 1994/2019 - Abilis -
    Press ALT-F9 to cycle between 90x25, 90x43, 90x50 screen modes.
    Logged as SUPERUSER
    [18:27:02] ABILIS_CPX:

  • The former tools ConvCfgW.exe and ConvCfg.exe do not exist anymore, their functionalities are included in CONFIG.EXE.

  • Introduced SYS UPDATE AUTO command.

    The command requires a functional Internet connection to reach Abilis repository at support.abilis.net.

    When new versions will be available the command will offer the most recent Abilis version for update, as well as the latest version of each minor version branch. You can then choose the version to install and whether and when to reboot.

    [11:15:24] ABILIS_CPX:sys update auto ?
    SYS UPDATE AUTO [-opt]        Update system to the latest release available on
                                  Abilis servers
    -DELAY hh:mm   Once updated, the system will reboot after the specified delay,
                   where 'hh' [0..2400], 'mm' [0..59].
                   Can be combined with -NOCALL -SAVE[CONF].
                   Alternative to -NOREBOOT.
    -NOCALL        Once updated, the system will reboot as soon as all CTI calls
                   are closed.
                   Can be combined with -DELAY -SAVE[CONF].
                   Alternative to -NOREBOOT.
                   Can be combined with -DELAY -NOCALL.
    -SAVE[CONF]    Before rebooting save configuration in both current and next
    -NOREBOOT      Once updated, the system will not reboot.
                   Alternative to all the other options.
    [11:15:31] ABILIS_CPX:

    Following is a simulation of what may happen when a new version will available. The option -NOREBOOT is intentionally used for this simulation.

    [11:48:23] ABILIS_CPX:sys update auto -noreboot
    RETRIEVING http://support.abilis.net/downloads/cpx2k/releases.xml...
    RETRIEVING http://support.abilis.net/downloads/cpx2k/8.9/8.9.1/cpx-8.9.1-std-package.zip...
    [11:49:23] ABILIS_CPX:     

    If more minor or major versions will be available the command will show the latest of each minor version and will let you to choose.

    [11:53:07] ABILIS_CPX:sys update auto -noreboot
    RETRIEVING http://support.abilis.net/downloads/cpx2k/releases.xml...
  • Extended trace format to version 10.0 and added use of Res: in addition to Po: .

    The new version stores the references to resources and permits handling of trace by resource in addition to internal port number.

    It also permits a simpler extraction thanks to automatic proposal of protocol type for the most frequent cases.

    [18:23:11] ABILIS_CPX:trace param
            Configured Value       Active Value           Description
    PO:     24  Eth-1              24  Eth-1              Traced ports/resources
            19  CtiSys             19  CtiSys
            71  CtiSip             71  CtiSip
    [18:23:13] ABILIS_CPX:trace param set ?
    RES:       Resources to be traced (max 50)
    PO:        Ports to be traced (max 50)
    [18:23:28] ABILIS_CPX:                                                          
  • Added support of exFAT file system.

  • Improved RESET command. Now it permits a simpler reset of various hardware devices and resources.

    The R command is now a shortcut for RESET.

    [17:55:39] ABILIS_CPX:?
    R[ESET]        Reset operations
    [17:56:16] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                     
    [17:56:16] ABILIS_CPX:reset ?
    ALARM          Reset alarmed resources
    CTIAC          Reset CTI AC DSP(s)
    CTIP           Reset CTI ports of the specified CTI card
    CTIP:          Reset CTI port [1..600]
    NAT            Clear NAT dynamic table
    PVC            PVC Connection
    RES:           Reset resource [type-nnn]
    [17:57:06] ABILIS_CPX:  

    Reset of EthMod has some option:

    [18:03:00] ABILIS_CPX:reset res:ethmod ?
    R[ESET] RES:EthMod [-f]                 Reset all Ethernet modems, optionally
                                            restore factory defaults
    R[ESET] RES:EthMod type-n[,...] [-f]    Reset Ethernet modems connected to the
                                            specified Eth-n or EthUsb-n resource(s),
                                            optionally restore factory defaults.
    -f         Restore factory defaults.
    [18:03:03] ABILIS_CPX:

    Example for reset/restart CTIAC:

    [17:59:33] ABILIS_CPX:reset ctiac
    [18:00:06] ABILIS_CPX: 

    Example for reset the Cellkey used by CTIP:502. This actually reset the HW device.

    [18:00:50] ABILIS_CPX:reset ctip:502
    [18:01:16] ABILIS_CPX: 

    Example for reset EthMod:

    [18:07:33] ABILIS_CPX:_reset res:ethmod
        Eth-4  Done: modem reset (MAC:00-0E-F4-FD-15-86)
        EthUsb-4  Done: modem reset (MAC:00-0E-F4-FD-16-2D)
    [18:07:40] ABILIS_CPX:
System Users
  • An Abilis user named 'super' is automatically created in the 8.9 configuration, it's only used for CP 'SUPERUSER' purposes in LOGIN-MODE:USERS (pls refer to Control Port for more explanations), it is not available to other services.

    It is forcedly activated when LOGIN-MODE:USERS and it is forcedly deactivated when LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY.

    [12:52:46] ABILIS_CPX:d user
    admin                NO  #    #        NO   YES  YES YES YES  NO   NO  NO  NO
    guest                NO  #    #        NO   NO   NO  NO  NO   NO   NO  NO  NO
    super                NO  #    #        NO   NO   NO  NO  NO   NO   NO  NO  NO
    [12:53:19] ABILIS_CPX:d user
    admin                NO  #    #        NO   YES  YES YES YES  NO   NO  NO  NO
    guest                NO  #    #        NO   NO   NO  NO  NO   NO   NO  NO  NO
    super                YES #    #        NO   NO   NO  NO  NO   NO   NO  NO  NO
    [12:53:23] ABILIS_CPX:d user:super
    Parameter:          | Value:
    USER:                 super
    REAL-NAME:            super         <Read Only>
    ID:                   3             <Read Only>
    ACT:                  YES           <Read Only>
    CP-LEVEL:             SUPER         <Read Only>
    SSH-IP-PERMIT:        *
    [12:53:49] ABILIS_CPX:
  • The password of user 'super' can be set in two ways:

    • Entering the real password, as usual.

    • Entering the password hash previously copied from another Abilis where the real password was entered. The tool config.exe can be used to enter real password and read the hash.

    The password hash let a person to configure the password of 'super' without knowing the real password, so that only the persons that know the real password can access such Abilis as 'super'.

    For example person A can set the password (the tool config.exe can be used), distribute it's hash to person B and let him to set the password on another Abilis.

    The result is that person B configured the password but only person A can access the Abilis as 'super' because only person A knows the real password.

    For example:

    • Person A sets the password on an Abilis or with config.exe tool. He then copy the hash and distribute it to person B.

      [18:11:19] ABILIS_CPX:s user:super pwd:mypassword
      [18:11:41] ABILIS_CPX:d user:super
      PWD:                  1ef94fa4af527f9208965b2eb413da8b434056f49bba961d9b38c4e2d175578c
      [18:11:42] ABILIS_CPX:
    • Person B connects to the target Abilis with current 'super' credentials', set the password using the hash, save and exit.

      From this moment on only person A can access that Abilis as 'super' because only person A knows the real password.

      [18:22:31] ABILIS_CPX:d user:super
      [18:22:43] ABILIS_CPX:s user:super pwd:1ef94fa4af527f9208965b2eb413da8b434056f49bba961d9b38c4e2d175578c
      [18:22:52] ABILIS_CPX:d user:super
      PWD:                  1ef94fa4af527f9208965b2eb413da8b434056f49bba961d9b38c4e2d175578c
      [18:22:55] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Added CP-LEVEL:, SSH-IP-PERMIT:, TELNET-IP-PERMIT: parameters to Abilis user parameters, available only when LOGIN-MODE:USERS.

    [13:07:42] ABILIS_CPX:d user:super
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
    Parameter:          | Value:
    USER:                 super
    REAL-NAME:            super         <Read Only>
    ID:                   3             <Read Only>
    ACT:                  YES           <Read Only>
    CP-LEVEL:             SUPER         <Read Only>
    SSH-IP-PERMIT:        *
    [13:07:43] ABILIS_CPX:d user:admin
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
    Parameter:          | Value:
    USER:                 admin
    REAL-NAME:            admin
    ID:                   1             <Read Only>
    ACT:                  NO
    CP-LEVEL:             NO
    SSH-IP-PERMIT:        *
    [13:09:31] ABILIS_CPX:d user: ?
    CP-LEVEL:  CP access level [NO, USER, ADMIN, SUPER]
    SSH-IP-PERMIT: IP addresses allowed when the user logs in via SSH.
                  The name of an IP/IR list or * or LOCAL or NO.
    TELNET-IP-PERMIT: IP addresses allowed when the user logs in via TELNET.
                  The name of an IP/IR list or * or LOCAL or NO.
    CTI-ROLE:  Role of this user in CTI environment [EXTENSION, NETWORK]:
  • Added xxx-CDI-PERMIT: parameters, used to restrict the numbers that a user can dial.

    [13:09:31] ABILIS_CPX:d user:test
    [13:09:41] ABILIS_CPX:d user:test ?
    CTIP-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address input. Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/RU/MR list or *.
    CLUS-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address input. Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/RU/MR list or *.
    IAX-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address input. Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/RU/MR list or *.
    SIP-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address input. Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/RU/MR list or *.
    VO-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address input. Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/RU/MR list or *.
Control Port
  • Parameter 'bsvc' has been renamed to 'sesnum' and default value changed from 4 to 7.

  • Parameters X29A and X29B have been extended with value "DFT".

  • A new parameter LOGIN-MODE: permits to choose between the former login method (LEGACY), the default, and a new one (USERS).

    The LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY keeps unchanged the use of PWDU/PWDA/PWDS password for CP and independent passwords for TELNET/SSH access.

    The LOGIN-MODE:USERS integrates CP with SSH and TELNET: the login to TELNET/SSH is made with individual user/password pair and is automatically inherited by CP. The CP passwords PWDU/PWDA/PWDS and TELNET/SSH passwords are not used and hidden in configuration. Access to CP also depends on the new parameter CP-LEVEL:.

    An Abilis user named 'super' is automatically created in the 8.9 configuration (see System Users for more details) and used just for CP 'SUPERUSER' purposes. It is forcedly activated when LOGIN-MODE:USERS and it is forcedly deactivated when LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY:

    IMPORTANT: when changing the LOGIN-MODE the passwords relevant to the new mode are cleared, don't forget to set with a proper value, e.g.:

    [11:47:12] ABILIS_CPX:s p cp login-mode:users
    WARNING: PWD of Abilis user 'super' has been cleared, please set new password.
    [11:47:13] ABILIS_CPX:
    [12:13:29] ABILIS_CPX:s p cp login-mode:legacy
    WARNING: PWDU/PWDA/PWDS passwords have been cleared, please set new passwords.
    WARNING: TELNET and SSH passwords have been cleared, please set new passwords.
    [12:13:36] ABILIS_CPX:
  • When LOGIN-MODE:USERS the TELNET and SSH login require user/password from Abilis user enabled via CP-LEVEL:, and such login is trusted by CP. For example.

    [TELNET] CONNECT (<unknown>/
    Access Verification
    Login: super
    Abilis CPX - Build 4593/STD - Abilis-ID 1600052
    Wednesday 20/11/2019 18:33:40 (UTC+01:00) - UpTime 0 days 00:49:07
    User 'super' logged at SUPERUSER level
    [18:33:40] ABILIS_CPX:
  • When using LOGIN-MODE:USERS the permission levels are the followings:

    • User 'super' can do everything, without restrictions

    • Users with CP-LEVEL:SUPER have the following restrictions:

      • can't set password (PWD:) of user 'super'

      • can't change LOGIN-MODE:USERS of control port

    • Users with CP-LEVEL:ADMIN have the following restrictions:

      • can't set password (PWD:) of user 'super'

      • can't change LOGIN-MODE:USERS of control port

      • can't set password (PWD:) of other users with CP-LEVEL:ADMIN or CP-LEVEL:SUPER

      • can't remove users with CP-LEVEL:ADMIN or CP-LEVEL:SUPER

      • can't set CP-LEVEL:SUPER for any user, including themselves

    • Users with CP-LEVEL:USER have most commands restricted, they are only allowed to some supervision and error recovery actions, plus some system utilities. The most relevant restrictions are:

      • can't execute commands that modify the configuration ( A/S/C/M, CONF, SAVE, INIT, ...)

      • can't execute commands that modify files on disks (CONF, FILE, SYS, ... )

      • can't execute commands that stop or restart Abilis (WARM START, RESTART SYSTEM, SHUTDOWN SYSTEM, HALT, ...)

      • can't execute commands that may reveal sensitive data (LICENCE, TRACE, IPFLOW, D <res> LOG, ...)

      • other commands can be permitted entirely or just partially.

    • Users with CP-LEVEL:NO can't login to TELNET/SSH and can't access control port.

  • Telnet server: added support for LOGIN-MODE:, inherited from CP.

    The Telnet PWD is not used in USERS mode.

    [17:00:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p telnet
           - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
           LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY  <Read Only, from CP>       PWD:
    [17:00:42] ABILIS_CPX:
    LOGIN-MODE: Server log-in mode                             <Read Only, from CP>
                [LEGACY, USERS]
    PWD:       Authentication password.                <Only for LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY>
               Max 32 ASCII characters. Spaces are not allowed.
               Case-insensitive match.
  • Telnet Server: added possibility to connect to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut.

    The new default for AC: parameter (autoconnect) is set to "CP" shortcut.

    The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

    [16:47:59] ABILIS_CPX:
    [] TELNETS>clr
    CLR 00 00
    [] TELNETS>?
    CP             Open connection to local CP resource
    SSH            Open connection to local SSH client
    TELNET         Open connection to local TELNET client
    <CD>-<UD>      Open X25 call with CD and UD
    CLR            Close connection
    CLOSE          Close Telnet session
    EXIT           Close Telnet session
    LINUX          Sets for Linux terminal
    ANSI           Sets for ANSI terminal
    HELP           Show current help
    [] TELNETS>ssh
    [] SSHC> 
    [17:00:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p telnet
    [17:00:42] ABILIS_CPX:d p telnet ?
    AC:        Server auto-connect flag [NO, YES, CP]
    CDO:       Called NUA for outgoing X.25 calls [0..9, #]       <Only for AC:YES>
    UDO:       User data for outgoing X.25 calls [0..9, a..z, A..Z, #]
                                                                  <Only for AC:YES>
    [17:01:45] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Added support of hardware ciphering for AES, when the CPU offers the AES support. Backported in version 8.8.9 and above.

  • Added support for AES-CTR cipher to have compatibility with default ciphers of recent Linux distributions. Backported in version 8.8.9 and above.

  • SSH server: added support for LOGIN-MODE:, inherited from CP.

    The SSH PWD is not used in LOGIN-MODE:USERS.

    [17:00:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh
           - Server ---------------------------------------------------------------
           LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY  <Read Only, from CP>       PWD:
    [17:00:42] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh ?
    LOGIN-MODE: Server log-in mode                             <Read Only, from CP>
                [LEGACY, USERS]
    PWD:       Authentication password.
               Max 32 ASCII characters. Spaces are not allowed.
               Case-insensitive match.                 <Only for LOGIN-MODE:LEGACY>
    [17:09:56] ABILIS_CPX:
  • Added possibility to connect the SSH Server to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut.

    The new default for AC: parameter (autoconnect) is set to "CP" shortcut.

    The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

    [16:53:15] ABILIS_CPX:
    [] SSHS>clr
    CLR 00 00
    [] SSHS>?
    CP             Open connection to local CP resource
    SSH            Open connection to local SSH client
    TELNET         Open connection to local TELNET client
    <CD>-<UD>      Open X25 call with CD and UD
    CLR            Close connection
    CLOSE          Close SSH Session
    EXIT           Close SSH Session
    HELP           Show current help
    [] SSHS>ssh
    [] SSHC> 
    [17:00:39] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh
    [17:00:42] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssh ?
    AC:        Server auto-connect flag [NO, YES, CP]
    CDO:       Called NUA for outgoing X.25 calls [0..9, #]       <Only for AC:YES>
    UDO:       User data for outgoing X.25 calls [0..9, a..z, A..Z, #]
                                                                  <Only for AC:YES>
    [17:01:45] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Some improvements intended for 8.9.0 have been backported to 8.8.9 and above:

    • Added support of hardware ciphering for AES, when the CPU offers the AES support.

    • Added possibility to trace de-cyphered IKE packets. This is possible by the IKE resource or the corresponding port.

    • Added possibility to send IKE LOG to SYSLOG.

    • Added MOVE command for IKE CLI and HOSTS (M IKE CLI:x and M IKE HOST:x).

    • General stability improvements.

  • Added support for IKE AGGRESSIVE mode.

    When clients have dynamic IP address the MAIN mode requires the SAME PSK for all users, on the contrary AGGRESSIVE mode allows individual PSK. For this reason it is usually preferred in this situation.

    Drawback is that AGGRESSIVE mode It is less secure then MAIN mode due to intrinsic protocol weakness, however choosing a long and complicated password and strong hash algorithm (e.g. SHA256) largely mitigate the risk, down to an acceptable level. Surfing the web you'll find many article that compares the two modes.

  • Extended IKE PSK entries from 64 to 255 to fully support AGGRESSIVE mode capability.

  • Redesigned parameters configuration, diagnostics, and helps for a better experience.

    Since the change is really very large we show here only the most relevant just to give an idea.

    Note that D D IKE now shows ordered by HOST and each HOST is shown grouped with it's OWN CLIents.

    More details will be present in Abilis tutorial and is available in embedded helps.

    [17:47:52] ABILIS_CPX:d ike host
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
    HOST: NAME:                              LIFETIME: HASH:     DPD:    DPD-ACTION:
          LOCIP:          NATT:   MODE:      MODE-CFG: DH:               DPD-DELAY:
          REMIP:          SIDE:   AUTH:      XAUTH:    CIPHER:   SA-TRY: DPD-TOUT:
          XAUTH-USER:                        XAUTH-PWD:
          -- PSK ID ---------------------------------------------------------------
          ID-TYPE:        IP:/ID:
          -- RSA Cert -------------------------------------------------------------
          CERT-SEND:      ASN1-DN:
          CERT-PEER:      PEER-ASN1-DN:
                        *** NO IKE HOST CONNECTION DEFINED ***
    [17:48:04] ABILIS_CPX:d ike cli
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
    CLI:  NAME:                                LIFETIME: ESP:        AH:
    HOST: NET-LOC:           RULE:  PASSIVE:   PFS:      ESP-AUTH:   AH-AUTH:
          NET-REM:                  PERMANENT: TUNNEL:   ESP-CIPHER: MODE-CFG-DNS:
                         *** NO IKE CLIENT NETWORK DEFINED ***
    [17:48:07] ABILIS_CPX:d ike psk
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
                         *** NO IKE PRESHARED KEY DEFINED ***
    [17:51:54] ABILIS_CPX:d d ike
    RES:Ike -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        - Security Associations diagnostics ---------------------------------------
          Host Name                             Lifetime Dpd     DH        NATT
               LocIp-Port              Type     Expiry   Action  Hash      Side
            SN RemIp-Port              State    Replace  Pending Cipher
          Host Name                             Lifetime Passive Esp       Ah
           Cli LocNet/LocMask          Type     Expiry   Perm    EspAuth   AhAuth
            SN RemNet/RemMask          State    Replace  Tunnel  EspCipher Pfs
                              *** NO SECURITY ASSOCIATION ***
    [17:51:56] ABILIS_CPX:
Cti router
  • Added support of ^_ wildcards.

    [12:50:21] ABILIS_CPX:help isdn values
    Generalized meaning of wildcards used for matching and filtering values:
     Symbol    | Meaning
     ?         | Match a single ASCII character
     ^         | Match a single ASCII digit [0..9]
     *         | Match any number of ASCII characters
     _         | Match any number of ASCII digits [0..9]
    [12:50:24] ABILIS_CPX:              

  • Added INP (ISDN Numbers Pair) list for a simultaneous match of calling (CG) and called (CD) numbers.

    [13:25:14] ABILIS_CPX:d list ?
    INP item:    Sequence of two values separated by ',' (comma) e.g. 'cg,cd',
                 - 'cg' is the CG number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the
                   range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n,
                   o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
                 - 'cd' is the CD number i.e. a sequence of max 20 characters in the
                   range [C, 0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n,
                   o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
                 (E.g. i555,123* or ux376445566,22?? ).
                 See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES.
                 Case insensitive match.
    [13:30:55] ABILIS_CPX:d list:inp
    LIST:inp                  - INP               - Ref-Numb:0     Items-Numb:11
       CG                     CD
       123456                 111
       9002                   5*
       123456*                111
       510*                   5*
    [13:31:00] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                                  

  • Enabled Faxrelay/T38 with SWTC (software transcoding) when both sides of the transcoding have the faxrelay enabled (FMRLY:YES).

  • Added CTISYS parameter CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE. It is used to take an action if the user xxx-CDI-PERMIT verification fails.

    An Abilis user has 5 four new xxx-CDI-PERMIT parameters, where xxx can be CTIP, CLUST, SIP, IAX, VO.

    [13:01:06] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys ? cdi-permit-fail-rewrite
    CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE: Choose call closure or Called Number rewrite when
               xxx-CDI-PERMIT verification fails (see user parameters).
               [c, C, 0..9, #, *, 'macro'], optionally preceded by
               TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
               (E.g. 123, #, 123'cdi', 'cdi'123'cgi.s5', 'sdi', ''listname'',
               ''listname.cd'', ''listname.cg'.s2', ''listname'.s5')
               Value # is used to close the call.
               See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES.
    [13:01:08] ABILIS_CPX:
  • Added logging in LDM of E-PreRoute event when LCS/CDI-REWRITE/CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE is applied.

    Since the LCS/CDI-REWRITE/CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE functionalities modify calling or called numbers BEFORE searching the routing table we decided to add a LDM even to make it evident and showing both original and modified values.

  • SIP causes are now logged in LDM and when applicable they are also passed transparently if both sides are SIP.

  • Added local storage of CDR (call-data-records).

    On heavy loaded system it is highly recommended, if not mandatory, to locate the storage on fast SSD disks driver by AHCI driver.

    It is also mandatory to format the disks with exFAT file system. The reason is that standard FAT/FAT32 has problems with the large number of files required by CDR local storage.

    The files are made available via FTP or HTTP and must be periodically fetched by the external billing system.

    The detailed specification of CDR files and records are available at Abilis Accounting CDRs.htm .

    [14:49:46] ABILIS_CPX:d p acnt
    RES:Acnt ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:Accounting_Service
           - Collectors -----------------------------------------------------------
           COLL-ACT:YES              sesnum:3                    tcp-locport:2060
           FILTER:ALL                CR:AUTO                     CRKEY:DFT
           IPSRC:#                   IPSRCLIST:PrivateIpAdd
           - Local storage of CDRs ------------------------------------------------
           MAX-AGE:7          FILE-SIZE:5            INTERVAL:15
    [14:49:48] ABILIS_CPX:
    [14:49:48] ABILIS_CPX:d p acnt ?
    Acnt resource parameters:
    DESCR:     Resource description.
               Max 79 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str1 str2").
    LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
               (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
                T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
    ---------- Collectors -------------------------------------------------------------
    COLL-ACT:  Enable/Disable collectors access [NO, YES]
    sesnum:    Number of TCP sessions [2..128]
    tcp-locport: Local TCP port for incoming connections [1..65535]
    FILTER:    Call records filtering at origin [ALL, CONNECTED, FAILED]
    IPSRC:     Accepted Collector IP address
               [#, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    IPSRCLIST: List of further accepted Collecotors IP addresses
               [#, *, IP/IR/RU/MR list name]
    CR:        Collectors data encryption [AUTO, YES]
    CRKEY:     Collector data encryption key index [DFT, 1..63]
    ---------- Local storage of CDRs --------------------------------------------------
    CDR-ACT:   Enable/Disable local storage of CDRs [NO, YES]
    MAX-AGE:   Maximum number of days for CDRs history [1..365 day]
               The CDRs files that have expired MAX-AGE are wiped with Ctrl-Z and
               renamed to *.FRE
    FILE-SIZE: Size of prellocated files [1..100 MiB]
               On creation and on wipe they are filled with Ctrl-Z.
               The number of preallocated files is computed automatically and
               can be automatically increased if needed.
    INTERVAL:  Time interval for collecting CDR prior to make them available for
               retrival [1..60 min]
    WDIR1:     Working directory for disk 1.
               Full path with drive letter ['E'..'Y'] terminated by '\'.
               Max 128 chars. Root path (e.g. E:\) is not allowed.
               Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "E:\My dir\").
    WDIR2:     Working directory for disk 2.
               Full path with drive letter ['E'..'Y'] terminated by '\'.
               Max 128 chars. Root path (e.g. E:\) is not allowed.
               Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "E:\My dir\").
    [14:50:16] ABILIS_CPX:

    Here is an example with disk E: and F: formatted with exFAT.

    [14:56:24] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
    Logical drive(s) information:
    Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
        Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
    C:  HD-12  FAT32    4_1GB           E663-CD41   69 MiB          3910 MiB
        AHCI            4,096 bytes                 3840 MiB        NO
    D:  HD-13  FAT32    4_1GB           944E-C183   49 MiB          3910 MiB
        AHCI            4,096 bytes                 3861 MiB        YES
    E:  HD-14  exFAT                    4F23-6827   4768 MiB        476935 MiB
        AHCI            524,288 bytes               472167 MiB      YES
    F:  HD-15  exFAT                    4F23-682B   4768 MiB        476935 MiB
        AHCI            524,288 bytes               472167 MiB      YES
    G:  HD-16  FAT12    DummyDisk       50D2-A182   0 KiB           16 KiB
        RAM             4,096 bytes                 16 KiB          YES
    [14:57:18] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                              
  • Various LCS improvements have been already backported in 8.8.11:

    • Improved visualization of LCS table. CD and CG fields have been renamed to CDO and CGO.

    • Improved and fixed F LCST command. Callback numbers are indicated as CDI and CGI.

    • Improved and fixed LCST and LCSG related helps.

    • Added display of current values in round brackets when SYS is configured in NAT-PREFIX, INT-PREFIX, COUNTRY-CODE.

    • Fixed normalization of UNKNOWN and INTERNATIONAL numbers for use with LCS table, the local country code was not removed.

      Normalization takes place for called number of originating call and for calling number of callback call.

      If the number is u<INT-PREFIX><COUNTRY-CODE><NUMBER> or i<COUNTRY-CODE><NUMBER> the normalized number must be u<NUMBER>. Before the fix it was wrongly set to u<INT-PREFIX><COUNTRY-CODE><NUMBER>.

  • In LCSG the value "CALLING" has been replaced with "CGO" since it actually refer to the calling number of the initial outgoing call which is indicated as CGO in the LCST. The new default for LCSG is:

    [12:48:45] ABILIS_CPX:d lcsg
    ID: |[DESCR:]
        |NAT-PREFIX:            CB-CDI-ENABLED:        CB-CDO-NOMATCH:
        |INT-PREFIX:            CB-CDO-UNK:
        |COUNTRY-CODE:          CB-CDO-NAT:            CB-SDO:
        |CPS-LIST:              CB-CDO-INT:            CB-SGO:
        |[CTI Ports, CTI Clusters, IAX users, SIP users]
     1   SYS (0)                *                      *
         SYS (00)               ux'CGO'
         SYS (39)               ux0'CGO'               #
         #                      ux00'CGO'              *
    [12:48:59] ABILIS_CPX:  

Npv / Pv
  • NPV/PV conversion sets V-OPT:NO, to have it disabled by default.

  • CtiSip can be referenced now with simplified name "Sip", and other simplifications are possible (e.g. REG instead of REGISTRY).

    In addition more sip related stuffs are now available.

    [17:08:24] ABILIS_CPX:d sip ?
    CALLS          SIP Calls history
    CALLTRY        SIP CallTry entries
    CAP[ABILITY]   SIP capability entries
    LOG            SIP log
    NUM[BERS]      SIP numbers
    REG[ISTRY]     SIP registrations
    REG[ISTRY]E    SIP registrations in extended format
    SUB            SIP subscriptions
    SUBE           SIP subscriptions in extended format
    [17:10:16] ABILIS_CPX:           
  • Added:

    • PRACK and UPDATE methods.

    • SIP-TYPE:NNI for SIP trunk interconnection as per ST-769 specification (network-network-interconnection).

      When setting SIP-TYPE:NNI a series of parameters are automatically set to a default value, and some are also restricted in their range to comply with ST-769 specification.

    • HISTORY-INFO tag, also compliant with ST-769 specification.

    • KEEPALIVE procedure using UPDATE.

    • QUALIFY procedure.

    • Selection of SIP header used for called address in incoming calls [REQUEST-URI, TO] by means of SIP-CDI-HEADER: user parameter.

    • RTP and T38 packet reordering.

      Maximal number of reordered packets is configurable in SIP resource by means of RTP-REORDER: and T38-REORDER: parameter.

    • More T38 negotiation cases related to coder change requests, rejections, fallbacks.

    • Added transparent passing of SIP cause in StoS connections, even if group is involved.

      Abilis actions related to port iteration in group and alternative routing are still driven by ITU causes, native or result of conversion as per ITU Q1912.5. To satisfy certain requirements and disambiguations the actual conversion differs from Q1912.5 for few causes.

    • Trace of SIP signalling or SIP signalling+RTP packets by means of TRACE: parameter.

  • Configuration of CtiSip resource and SIP parameters of Abilis user have been largely redesigned, here the new ones with default values and new helps.

    [17:33:02] ABILIS_CPX:d p sip
    RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
           LOG:NO                  ACT:YES                 TRACE:SIP
           siplog:ERR              siplogsize:200
           sesnum:10               non-invite-sesnum:50    max-sub:100
           -- IP settings and filters ---------------------------------------------
           LOCPORT-BASE:5060       RTP-PORT-BASE:6000      SIP-TOS:0-N
           LOCPORT-RANGE:100       rtp-port-range:70       RTP-TOS:0-D
           LOCPORT:5060                                    mxps:2172
           IPSRC:   IPSRCLIST:PrivateIpAdd
           -- Sip signalling ------------------------------------------------------
           LOC-REG-EXPIRY:120      QUALIFY:15              AUTH-TOUT:4
           LOC-SUB-EXPIRY:180      KEEPALIVE:90            AUTH-TOUT-INVITE:4
           MAX-NNI-FWD:2           CPO-SIGNALLING:NO       T1:500   T2:4    T4:5
           -- RTP Audio codecs and Fax --------------------------------------------
           CPO-RTP:NO              DTMF-MODE:RFC2833       T38:YES
           CHAN-FREQ:20            DTMF-PLAY:100           T38-G711:NO
           DISC-AUDIO:NO           DTMF-SILENCE:100        T38-PACKING:1
           T38-REORDER:2           DTMF-DETECT-SILENCE:40  T38-REDUND-PCK:1
           -- Ctir signalling -----------------------------------------------------
           DIALT:5                 PROVIDE-SG:NO           CTIP-TYPE:USER
           T302:15                 RG-IN:DISABLE           NPOO-CT:SYS (NO)
    [17:33:04] ABILIS_CPX:d p sip ?
    TRACE:     Traced data [SIP, ALL], where:
               - SIP: trace only SIP;
               - ALL: trace SIP and RTP.
    siplog:    Log events filter at system startup [ERR, REG, INFO] or FULL,
               - ERR, REG, INFO filters can be joined using ',' (comma);
               - FULL: means every type of event.
    sesnum:    Number of SIP sessions/dialogs initiated by the INVITE
               method [1..8000].
               "!(nn)" means that only 'nn' sessions are available due to
               Licence restrictions.
    non-invite-sesnum: Number of SIP sessions/dialogs initiated by NON-INVITE
               methods: i.e. Register, Subscribe and Notify [30..255]
    max-sub:   Maximum number of subscriptions that CTISIP may handle
               independently from the event type, the subscriber and the
               monitored resource [0..1000]
    wdir:      Working directory where persistent information is stored.
               Full path with drive letter ['C'..'Z'] terminated by '\'.
               Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "C:\My dir\").
    ---------- IP settings and filters --------------------------------------------
    LOCPORT-BASE: Base local UDP port usable for SIP signalling [1024..65535]
    LOCPORT-RANGE: Range of local UDP ports usable for SIP signalling [1..1000]
    LOCPORT:   Default local UDP port for SIP signalling
    RTP-PORT-BASE: Base local UDP port usable for RTP/RTCP sessions [1024..65535]
    rtp-port-range: Range of permitted local UDP ports usable for RTP/RTCP sessions.
               The value is automatically computed as [(sesnum * 2)+50].  <ReadOnly>
    SIP-TOS:   TOS or DS field for SIP signalling:
               - p-t: PRECEDENCE-TOS, 'p' [0..7], 't' [N, D, T, R, C]
               - bbbbbb: DS value bit by bit, 'b' [0, 1]
    RTP-TOS:   TOS or DS field for RTP sessions:
               - p-t: PRECEDENCE-TOS, 'p' [0..7], 't' [N, D, T, R, C]
               - bbbbbb: DS value bit by bit, 'b' [0, 1]
    mxps:      UDP maximal payload [1472..65507 byte]
    SRCADD:    Source IP address for outgoing connections [R-ID, OUT-IP,
               1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x] or "Ip-nnn", where 'nnn' is
               an IP resource index [1..999]. (E.g. or R-ID or Ip-23)
    EXTERNAL-IP: Abilis external IP address [R-ID, OUT-IP, 1-126.x.x.x,
     , 128-223.x.x.x]
    IPSRC:     Incoming requests: accepted source IP address
               [*, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    IPSRCLIST: Incoming requests: list of further accepted source IP addresses
               [#, IP/IR/RU/MR listname]
    ---------- Sip signalling -----------------------------------------------------
    DOMAIN:    Local domain for users with SIP-TYPE:REMOTE-PEER/NNI.
               Local domain for users with SIP-TYPE:LOCAL-PEER/PHONE and
               Up to 64 characters in the range ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.'].
               The string is converted to lower case.
    UA:        Local user agent. AUTO or max 32 ASCII characters.
               Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "my user agent").
    LOC-REG-EXPIRY: Default duration of incoming registrations [30..3600 sec]
    LOC-SUB-EXPIRY: Expiration time of incoming subscriptions [60..3600 sec]
    QUALIFY:   Qualify time interval [4..300 sec]
    KEEPALIVE: Keepalive time interval [90..600 sec]
    MAX-NNI-FWD: Maximal number of redirections (forwards) bewtween two NNI users
    CPO-SIGNALLING: Call Path Optimization signalling [NO, TRANSFER, ALWAYS]
    AUTH-TOUT: SIP NON-INVITE authentication timeout [2..255 sec]
    AUTH-TOUT-INVITE: SIP INVITE authentication timeout [2..255 sec]
    T1:        SIP T1 time [100..2000 ms]
    T2:        SIP T2 time [1..10 sec]
    T4:        SIP T4 time [1..10 sec]
    ---------- RTP Audio codecs and Fax -------------------------------------------
    CPO-RTP:   RTP Call Path Optimization [NO, YES]
    CHAN-FREQ: Desired channel frequency for bandwidth optimisation, to be rounded
               down to a codec frame length multiple [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
               90 ms]
    DISC-AUDIO: Enable/Disable the reproduction of the audio message present
               in DISCONNECT with in-band-info received from CTIR [NO, YES].
               If set to YES the duration of the SIP session in active state is
               increased until CTIR times-out (typically up to 30 sec), or the SIP
               agent closes the call.
    RTP-REORDER: Maximal sequence of RTP packets that can be reordered [0..5]
    T38-REORDER: Maximal sequence of T38 packets that can be reordered [0..5]
    DTMF-MODE: DTMF mode used by CTISIP in outgoing DTMF [INBAND, INFO, RFC2833]
    DTMF-PLAY: Duration of a DTMF played from a SIP-INFO DTMF [40..1000 ms]
    DTMF-SILENCE: Duration of a silence played after DTMF-PLAY [50..1000 ms]
    DTMF-DETECT-PLAY: Duration of a DTMF from CTIR in order to allow digit recognition
               [20..100 ms]
    DTMF-DETECT-SILENCE: Duration of a silence after a DTMF from CTIR in order to
               recognise a digit [20..100 ms]
    T38:       Enable/disable T.38 support [NO, YES]
    T38-PACKING: Number of T.38 packets in UDP packet [1..4]
    T38-REDUND: Error recovery method [NONE, REDUNDANCY]
    T38-REDUND-PCK: Number of T.38 packets used for error recovery [1..4]
    T38-G711:  When T38:YES, enable/disable T.38 when G.711 codec is in use [NO, YES]
    ---------- Ctir signalling ----------------------------------------------------
    ROUTING:   Routing management [PREFIX, EN-BLOC]
    DIALT:     Dialing timeout [1..15 sec]
    T302:      Timeout for 'empty' setup [15..120 sec]
    ROUTE-BY-SD: Choose user (route) using subaddress called [NO, YES, USER]
               USER: the value in SIP-ROUTE-BY-SD is used.
    PROVIDE-SG: Insert USERNAME in subaddress calling [NO, YES, USER]
               USER: the value in SIP-PROVIDE-SG is used.
    RG-IN:     Management of Incoming Redirecting [DISABLE, ENABLE]
    CLIP-RULE: Treatment of the CG number for calls TO the SIP users (OUTGOING)
               [PRIVATE, PUBLIC]           PRIVATE: the CG is sent unmodified.
               PUBLIC: the CG is emptied when PI is set to RESTRICTED.
    NPOO-CT:   Enable/disable Net-Public to Net-Public call transfer when both
               calls are outgoing (outgoing to outgoing) [NO, YES, SYS]
               When SYS the actual value is taken from NPOO-CT parameter of CTISYS
               and shown between brackets.
    [17:33:50] ABILIS_CPX:
    [17:54:28] ABILIS_CPX:d user:sipuser sip
    - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) -------------------------------------------------------
    Parameter:          | Value:
    USER:                 sipuser
    REAL-NAME:            sipuser
    SIP:                  YES
    SIP-TYPE:             PHONE
    SIP-DOMAIN:           SYS
    SIP-HOST:             DYNAMIC
    SIP-REMPORT:          (DYNAMIC)
    SIP-LOCPORT:          SYS (5060)
    SIP-SRCADD:           SYS
    SIP-IP-PERMIT:        *
    SIP-MAXSES-BID:       2
    SIP-MAXSES-IN:        0
    SIP-MAXSES-OUT:       0
    SIP-BUSY-INUSE:       NO
    SIP-CDI-PERMIT:       *
    SIP-CG-NUM:           AUTO
    SIP-CTIP-TYPE:        SYS
    SIP-RG-IN:            SYS
    SIP-ROUTE-BY-SD:      NO
    SIP-PROVIDE-SG:       NO
    SIP-CLIP-RULE:        SYS
    SIP-LCS-GROUP:        NONE
    SIP-CPO-RTP:          SYS
    SIP-RCC:              YES
    SIP-SS:               NO
    SIP-SS-PRES-CG:       YES
    SIP-SS-CF-DND:        YES
    SIP-SS-VM:            YES
    SIP-CHAN-FREQ:        SYS
    SIP-REMOTE-NAT:       NO
    SIP-LOCAL-NAT:        NO
    SIP-PRACK:            YES
    SIP-QUALIFY:          NO
    SIP-SEND-Q850:        YES
    SIP-DTMF-MODE:        SYS
    SIP-BC-TRANSP:        UDI
    SIP-T38:              SYS
    SIP-T38-G711:         SYS
    SIP-T38-PACKING:      SYS
    SIP-T38-REDUND:       SYS
    SIP-UA:               SYS
    SIP-UA-PERMIT:        *
    SIP-REM-REG:          NO
    [17:54:29] ABILIS_CPX:  
    [17:54:29] ABILIS_CPX:d user:sipuser sip ?
    User's parameters:
    SIP:       Enable/disable CTISIP for this user [NO, YES].
               "!" means that the service is not activated due to Licence
    SIP-DOMAIN: Remote domain for users with SIP-TYPE:REMOTE-PEER/NNI.
               Local domain for users with SIP-TYPE:LOCAL-PEER.
               Local and remote domain for users with SIP-TYPE:PHONE/SERVER.
               Up to 64 characters in the range ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ].
               Value 'SYS' means to use DOMAIN: value in CtiSip configuration,
               allowed only for SIP-TYPE:LOCAL-PEER/PHONE.
    SIP-HOST:  IP address of the SIP host [DYNAMIC, 1-126.x.x.x,,
               128-223.x.x.x] or FQDN host name of max 64 characters in the range
               ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ]. FQDN name is forced to lower case.
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the value DYNAMIC is not allowed.
    SIP-REMPORT: SIP UDP remote port [DYNAMIC, 1..65535].
               For SIP-HOST:DYNAMIC the value can't be set, it is always
               dynamically learned and shown as (DYNAMIC).
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [1..65535].
               For SIP-TYPE:SERVER:
               - When user is added or changed to SIP-TYPE:SERVER the first free port
                 number in the range is automatically choosen.
               - The port number can be changed but it will be checked to be unique among
                 any user.
               - SYS is NOT allowed.
               - When user is added or changed from SIP-TYPE:SERVER the value is set to SYS.
               - The port number can be changed but it will be checked to be different
                 from users with SIP-TYPE:SERVER.
    SIP-SRCADD: SIP Source IP address for outgoing connections [SYS, R-ID, OUT-IP,
               1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x] or "Ip-nnn", where 'nnn' is
               an IP resource index in [1..999].
               (E.g. or R-ID or Ip-23)
    SIP-IP-PERMIT: Allowed IP address of the SIP user. One or two IP addresses in
               the range [1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x] separated by ':'
               (colon) or the name of an IP/IR list or *.
    SIP-MAXSES-BID: Maximum number of SIP bidirectional sessions [0..8000, NOMAX]
    SIP-MAXSES-IN: Maximum number of SIP input sessions  [0..8000, NOMAX]
    SIP-MAXSES-OUT: Maximum number of SIP output sessions  [0..8000, NOMAX]
    SIP-BUSY-INUSE: Return BUSY if one or more sessions are in use [NO, YES]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-CDI-HEADER: SIP header used for called address in incoming calls [REQUEST-URI, TO]
    SIP-CDI-PERMIT: Permitted called address in incoming calls.
               Name of an IN/INN/INR/IS/INP/RU/MR list or *.
               See also CDI-PERMIT-FAIL-REWRITE: parameter in CTISYS for the action
               to be taken upon failure.
    SIP-NUMBER: Main phone number assigned to the user.
               Additional numbers are allowed via A/D/C/S SIP NUM[BERS] NUMx: .
               Phone number(s) are used for routing purposes (ctir -> sip user)
               and in accordance with SIP-CG-NUM for calling number processing.
               From 0 up to 20 characters [0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded by
               TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
               Any number of '^' and '?' is allowed, but only alone or at end of
               the number or after digits and before '*' or '-'.
               The '_' is allowed only alone or at number end.
               The '*' is allowed only alone or at number end.
               See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES.
    SIP-ADDRBOOK-NUM: Address book SIP phone number assigned to this user.
               SIP-NUMBER or # or max 20 digits [0..9] optionally preceded
               by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes
               or 'macro' (E.g. 0'SIP-NUMBER' or 123'SIP-NUMBER.s2' or 'SIP-NUMBER'99).
               See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES.
    SIP-CG-NUM: Calling number validation or replacement for input calls.
               AUTO or # or max 20 characters [0..9, ^, ?, _, *] optionally preceded
               by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or
               PI [a, r, m, q] and/or SI [y, v, w, z] attributes.
               Any number of '^' and '?' is allowed, but only alone or at end of
               the number or after digits and before '*' or '-'.
               The '_' is allowed only alone or at number end.
               The '*' is allowed only alone or at number end.
               AUTO: validate or replace according to SIP-NUMBER and NUMx values.
               #: remove calling number.
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [*].
               See also HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES and HELP ISDN VALUES.
    SIP-FWD-CG-NUM: Select the origin of the calling number to be placed in the
               forwarded call [CALLER, USER]
               CALLER: Original caller number in CG and SIP-NUMBER in RG
               USER: SIP-NUMBER in CG and RG.
    SIP-DISPLAY-NAME: Specify the value of "Display Name" field in "From",
               "P-Asserted-Identity", "Remote-Party-ID" headers.
               USER is allowed only for SIP-TYPE:SERVER and it is its default.
    SIP-CTIP-TYPE: CTIP type assigned to the user [SYS, USER, NET-PRIVATE, NET-PUBLIC]
    SIP-RG-IN: Management of Incoming Redirecting [SYS, DISABLE, ENABLE]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [ENABLE].
    SIP-ROUTE-BY-SD: Choose user (route) using subaddress called field when
               ROUTE-BY-SD:USER in CtiSip resource [NO, YES]
    SIP-PROVIDE-SG: Insert USERNAME in subaddress calling field when
               PROVIDE-SG:USER in CtiSip resource [NO, YES]
    SIP-CLIP-RULE: Treatment of the CG number for calls TO the SIP user (OUTGOING)
               [SYS, PRIVATE, PUBLIC].
               PRIVATE: the CG is sent unmodified
               PUBLIC: the CG is emptied when PI is set to RESTRICTED.
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [PRIVATE].
    SIP-BUSY-NOCHAN: Return BUSY cause instead of NOCHAN [NO, IN, OUT, BOTH]
    SIP-LCS-GROUP: Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32]
    SIP-CPO-RTP: RTP Call Path Optimization [SYS, NO, YES]
    SIP-CPO-SIGNALLING: Signalling Call Path Optimization [SYS, NO, TRANSFER, ALWAYS]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-RCC:   Enable/disable Runtime Codec Change (RCC) [NO, YES]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [YES].
    SIP-OPC-AUTOANSWER: Determines if click-to-call and transfer call must be sent
               with autoanswer request [NO, YES, TRANSFER]:
               - NO: autoanswer not sent;
               - YES: autoanswer sent in first and second call;
               - TRANSFER: autoanswer sent only in the second call.
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-SS:    Enable/disable SIP supplementary services [NO, YES]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-SS-PICKUP: SIP supplementary service. Pickup permissions [NO, GROUPS, ANY]
    SIP-SS-PRES-CG: SIP supplementary service. Calling present [NO, YES]
    SIP-SS-CF-DND: SIP supplementary service. Call forwarding and Do-Not-Disturb
               [NO, YES]
    SIP-SS-VM: SIP supplementary service. Voice Mail [NO, YES]
    SIP-CHAN-FREQ: SIP desired channel frequency for bandwidth optimisation, to be
               rounded down to a codec frame length multiple [SYS, 20..90 ms]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [20 ms].
    SIP-REMOTE-NAT: NAT Traversal method when remote user is behind NAT [NO,
               STRICT, LOOSE]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-LOCAL-NAT: NAT Traversal method when Abilis is behind a NAT [NO,
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-EXTERNAL-IP: Numeric IPv4 address of the SIP UA [R-ID, OUT-IP, SYS,
               1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    SIP-PRACK: Enable/disable Provisional Aknowledgement (PRACK) [NO, YES]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [YES].
    SIP-QUALIFY: Qualify time interval [SYS, NO, 4..300 sec]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [SYS, 4..300 sec].
    SIP-SEND-Q850: Add ITU Q.850 Reason in messages sent to counterpart [NO, YES]
    SIP-KEEPALIVE: Keepalive time interval [SYS, NO, 60..600 sec]
    SIP-DTMF-MODE: Selects how to send DTMF to the remote UA [SYS, INBAND, INFO,
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [RFC2833].
    SIP-DISC-AUDIO: Enable/Disable the reproduction of the audio message present
               in DISCONNECT with in-band-info received from CTIR [SYS, NO, YES].
               If set ot YES the duration of the SIP session in active state is
               increased until CTIR times-out (typically up to 30 sec), or the SIP
               agent closes the call.
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    SIP-BC-TRANSP: Sets the ISDN Bearer Capability (BC) for incoming calls with
               codec CLEARMODE (TRANSPARENT coder for CPX) [UDI, SPEECH]
    SIP-T38:   Enable/disable T.38 support [SYS, NO, YES]
    SIP-T38-G711: When T38:YES, enable/disable T.38 when G.711 codec is in use
               [SYS, NO, YES]
    SIP-T38-PACKING: Number of T.38 packets in UDP packet [SYS, 1..4]
    SIP-T38-REDUND: Error recovery method [SYS, NONE, REDUNDANCY]
    SIP-T38-REDUND-PCK: Number of T.38 packets used for error recovery [SYS, 1..4]
    SIP-UA:    Local user agent.
               SYS or max 32 ASCII characters.
               Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "my user agent").
    SIP-UA-PERMIT: Allowed peer User Agent. * or the name of a TXT/RU/MR list.
    SIP-REM-USER: SIP user name. Max 32 ASCII characters.
               Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "my user").
    SIP-REM-PASS: SIP user password. Max 64 ASCII characters.
               Space not allowed.
    SIP-REM-AUTH-USER: Authentication user name. AUTO (value equal to
               SIP-REM-USER) or max 32 ASCII characters. Space not allowed.
    SIP-REM-REG-EXPIRY: Duration of outgoing registrations [30..172800 sec]
    SIP-REM-REG: Enable/disable SIP auto-registration [NO, YES]
               For SIP-TYPE:NNI the range is restricted to [NO].
    [17:55:05] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                             
  • Registry table now shows all SIP users and their state and offers more visualization filters.

    The state changes can be delivered to a SYSLOG server.

    Below is a simple example of D SIP REG and D SIP REGE, one user for each SIP-TYPE.

    [17:03:40] ABILIS_CPX:d sip reg -c
    User                             Type State          RemIP:Port  REG      LTM    AGE
    0-local                          LP   down               -:-     -          -      -
    0-remote                         RP   down               -:-     -          -      -
    0-server                         SRV  UP     -          0      0
    test210                          NNI  UP  -         15      0
    yealink                          PH   UP  LOC      116     55
    Total UP:      3
    Total down:    2 
    [17:03:43] ABILIS_CPX:                                                            
    [17:03:25] ABILIS_CPX:d sip rege -c
    User                             Type State          RemIP:Port  REG      LTM    AGE
    0-local                          LP   down               -:-     -          -      -
    0-remote                         RP   down               -:-     -          -      -
    0-server                         SRV  UP     -          0      0
    test210                          NNI  UP  -         15     12
    yealink                          PH   UP  LOC      116     52
    Total UP:      3
    Total down:    2 
    [17:03:40] ABILIS_CPX:
    [17:07:38] ABILIS_CPX:d sip reg ?
    D [CTI]SIP REG[ISTRY] [-opt] [filter:val]    Show SIP registrations
    -C         Count UP and DOWN users in the command output
    Allowed filters:
    USER:      Filter by user name.                                      <Optional>
               From 1 up to 32 characters in the range ['0'..'9',
               'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':'], or a string preceded and/or
               followed by '*' (e.g. *mystr or mystr* or *mystr*).
    TYPE:      Filter by type [PH, LP, RP, SRV, NNI]                     <Optional>
    STATE:     Filter by state [UP, DOWN]                                <Optional>
    UP         Alias for STATE:UP                                        <Optional>
    DOWN       Alias for STATE:DOWN                                      <Optional>
    REMIP:     Filter by Remote IP Address                               <Optional>
    SIP registry's parameters:
    User       User Name
    Type       SIP-TYPE of the user [PH=PHONE, LP=LOCAL-PEER, RP=REMOTE-PEER,
               SRV=SERVER, NNI=NNI]
    State      Current state of the user [UP, down]
    RemIp:Port IP address and UDP port of the remote device
    REG        User registration type, incoming or outgoing [LOC, REM]
    LTM        User registration duration in seconds
    AGE        Pending user registration time in seconds
    [17:08:24] ABILIS_CPX:                                         

  • SIP call data can be delivered to a SYSLOG server, moreover the latest 1000 calls are kept in ram memory and are visible via D SIP CALLS command. Each record contains several fields like timestamps, numbers, users, state reached, RTP ad T38 statistics.

    Below there is an example for different calls:

    • direct call with RTP and T38

    • direct call with RTP

    • redirected call with RTP

    [12:32:04] ABILIS_CPX:d sip calls
    010720 121254 start:2020-07-01 12:12:00.841 dur:7/46 user:test210 In CONN-FROM cg:9002 cd:5103 rtp-I/O[462/458 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] t38-I/O[676/74 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:1246 id:1246
    010720 122925 start:2020-07-01 12:28:52.692 dur:1/32 user:test210 In CONN-FROM cg:9002 cd:5103 rtp-I/O[1540/1622 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:1379 id:1379
    010720 190238 start:2020-07-01 19:02:35.013 dur:2/1 user:test210 Out CONN-TO cg:5103 cd:9002 rg:5101 rtp-I/O[54/54 0/0 0/0 0/- 0/- 0/-] ses:6 id:7 
    [12:32:07] ABILIS_CPX:

    Description of fields:

    • start: date and time of call start

    • dur: duration in seconds of start-to-active phase/active-to-close. In practice the time required to get connected and the time spent in connected.

    • user: Abilis user involved in the call

    • call direction: In CONN-FROM or Out CONN-TO as seen from Abilis side, i.e. user->Abilis is In, Abilis->user is Out.

    • cd: called number

    • cg: calling number

    • rg: redirecting numer. This field is present only if the redirecting number is present in the call.

    • rtp-I/O: RTP statistics of input and output directions, fields are in the same order as D SE output, i,e.: PCK, NOBUF, MISS, OUTSEQ, REORDER, MALFORM.

    • t38-I/O: T38 statistics of input and output directions, fields are in the same order as D SE output, i,e.: PCK, NOBUF, MISS, OUTSEQ, REORDER, MALFORM.

  • Sip diagnostics have been improved with more filtering options and by default shows only in-use sessions

    [14:26:59] ABILIS_CPX:d d sip
    RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
           - SIP Channels diagnostics ---------------------------------------------
           CH:  SIP-State               SIP-LocAdd-Port-In       SIP-RemAdd-Port-In
                Q931-State              CG                       CD
                User                             CallId
           0    CONNECTED     
                10-CONNECTED-FROM       123                      456
                test210                          3d05603915601d1b07d6aecb6f7f35..
    [14:27:05] ABILIS_CPX:
    [14:27:05] ABILIS_CPX:d de sip
    RES:CtiSip --------------------------------------------------------------------
           - SIP Channels diagnostics ---------------------------------------------
           CH:  SIP-State               SIP-LocAdd-Port-In       SIP-RemAdd-Port-In
                                        SIP-LocAdd-Port-Out      SIP-RemAdd-Port-Out
                Q931-State              CG                       CD
                User                             CallId
                RTP-State               RTP-LocAdd-LocPort       RTP-RemAdd-RemPort
                RTCP-State              RTCP-LocAdd-LocPort      RTCP-RemAdd-RemPort
                Q932-State   CPO-State  UCT-State                ACT-State
           0    CONNECTED     
                10-CONNECTED-FROM       123                      456
                     test210                     3d05603915601d1b07d6aecb6f7f35..
    [14:27:11] ABILIS_CPX:        
    [14:27:11] ABILIS_CPX:d d sip ?
    D D [RES:]CtiSip                           Display diagnostics of CtiSip
    D D [RES:]CtiSip filter:val [filter:val]   Display diagnostics of SIP channels
                                               matching the specified filters.
    Allowed filters:
    CH:        SIP channel identifier.                                   <Optional>
               One value in the range [0..7999] or a range of values 'xxx-yyy'
               or a list of values 'xxx,yyy,...' separated by ',' (comma)
               or A or ALL.
    CD:        Filter SIP channels by Called address.                    <Optional>
               From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?'
               '*'] or #, optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k]
               and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
    CG:        Filter SIP channels by Calling address.                   <Optional>
               From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '?'
               '*'] or #, optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, k]
               and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] and/or PI [a, r, m, q]
               and/or SI [y, v, w, z, j] attributes.
    USER:      Filter SIP channels by User name.                         <Optional>
               From 1 up to 32 characters in the range ['0'..'9',
               'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':'], or a string preceded and/or
               followed by '*' (e.g. *mystr or mystr* or *mystr*) or #.
    IP:        Filter SIP channels by remote IP address                  <Optional>
    PO:        Filter SIP channels by remote UDP port.                   <Optional>
    [14:33:26] ABILIS_CPX: 
  • When RTP-CPO is used it now starts with the initial INVITE instead of call answer.

    RTP-CPO is automatically disabled if the call has to be recorded by CTIVR, in both cases of CTIVR table match and activation of ODR (on-demand-recording) when a call is already ongoing.

  • Extended LOCAL-SOURCES range with SIPREG and SIPCALL.

    [18:16:58] ABILIS_CPX:d p syslog ? local-sources
    SysLog resource parameters:
    LOCAL-SOURCES: Allowed message sources [#, L, LDM, NPV, CP, IPRES, ETHMOD, IPSEC,
               SIPREG, SIPCALL, ALL], where:
               - #      : no message source is allowed
               - L      : System log
               - LDM    : Debug log
               - NPV    : Npv log
               - CP     : CP commands
               - IPRES  : IpRes log
               - ETHMOD : EthMod log
               - IPSEC  : IpSec/Ike log
               - SIPREG : Sip Registry log
               - SIPCALL: Sip calls statistics
               Values can be joined using ',' (comma).
    [18:17:13] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Removed support of obsolete and insecure ciphers RC2, RC4, DES, leaving only AES256CBC, AES128CBC, 3DES, IDEA.

    The local file storing private key certificate is also affected.

  • Added AES-CTR cipher.

    The AES-CTR cipher is now used in place of AES-CBC when both endpoints are 8.9.0 or above, otherwise the AES-CBC is still used for compatibility.

  • Added possibility to connect the PAD to CP, Telnet Client, SSH Client by means of CP, TELNET, SSH command shortcut.

    The shortcut does not need X25 routings in COR (D R).

    Abilis CPX - Build 4665.35/STD - Abilis-ID 1300024
    Friday 26/06/2020 18:49:16 (UTC+02:00) - UpTime 7 days 07:00:55
    Logged as SUPERUSER
    [18:49:16] ABILIS_CPX:                      

    When CP is set for LOGIN-MODE:USERS the CP will request login/password credentials of a system user.

    Abilis CPX - Build 4665.35/STD - Abilis-ID 1300024
    Friday 26/06/2020 18:52:31 (UTC+02:00) - UpTime 7 days 07:04:11
    Login: super
    User 'super' logged at SUPERUSER level
    [18:52:38] ABILIS_CPX: 
  • Snmp MIB has been updated to support the new features.


Offline Config
  • Config.exe now converts previous configuration versions, starting from 7.9.x, to the current one. The tools ConvCfgW.exe and ConvCfg.exe have been deprecated.

  • Config.exe tools now permits variable screen size and scroll back, and stores the latest window size set.

Trace Manager
  • Added support of trace version 10.0

  • When a trace of version 10.0 is opened (version 10.0 is generated by Abilis 8.9.0 and above) the trace manager offers the following features:

    • Indication of port and resource

    • proposal of a default protocol type for the most common cases

    • possibility to extract multiple ports/resoruces to a single output file

  • The automatically generated output file name now offers the [po_res] suffix, e.g. ABILIS_CPX-20200421-110049_[26_Eth-1].pcap.

    Of course if trace version is < 10.0 the res is missing, e.g. ABILIS_CPX-20200421-110049_[26].pcap

Bug fixes

  • All bugfixes up to 8.8.11 are included in 8.9.0.

  • Fixed handling of "compressed" format for QNAME fields. The bug may cause software exception and system reboot.

Known bugs

  • The statistic counters SUCC-CALL in/out and FAIL-CALL in/out shown with D S CTISIP are temporary unsupported and return value 0.

    They will be fixed in 8.9.1.