Abilis CPX 2000, release 8.4

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.9

Released on September 18, 2017.



Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in quick reuse of SSL sessions.

    The bug caused a SSL session failure if the new SSL open crossed the TCP closing phase.

Cti Router
  • Fixed handling of LCST table full.

    On table full any new need to insert a record was discarded, now the oldest record is removed to make room for the newest one.

  • Added generation of silence frames when an inbound callback call is proceeding or alerting to avoid underruns on the peer side.

    There was not a functional defect, just misleading statistics of VOICE-UNDERRUN in the peer side.

  • Fixed bug in number normalization that in some situations did not add the correct prefix.

  • Fixed Camera Setting dialog: removed '1/125' value duplication in the list of Exposure time.

  • Added an error recovery for a seldom situation.

    Recover is done executing a USB RESET if the communication with the device returns TIMEOUT consecutively for 10 seconds.

  • Fixed IP/VPN status page: 'Res', 'Subtype' and 'Description were printed in lowercase regardless to the original case.

Control Port
  • Fixed DEBUG FILE INFO command.

    In case of many files opened the output was truncated.

  • Various typos and help fixes.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.8

Released on August 3, 2017.



Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug introduced with 8.4.6 that caused an abnormal usage of RAM.

    The occupied RAM was two times more than necessary, possibly causing out-of-ram problem on machines with many ssl sessions.

Ip Router
  • Reduction of RAM occupation of each IpRes with respect to any previous 8.4.x version.

    Reduction is 50% for AIPT subtype. It can be smaller for other subtypes,

  • Fixed bug with camera parameters sharpness, contrast, brightness, saturation.

    Negative values were actually not set, leaving the previous value unchanged.

  • Removed fg-sesnum: parameter because the intended feature is not implemented.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.7

Released on July 25, 2017.



Bug fixes

  • Improved performance and quality of randomizer used in explicit initialization vector for AES-CBC.

IpRes Lan
  • Added protection to avoid transmission of ARP packets with IP

    This problem occurred when LAN is configured for DHCPC and the address was not obtained yet.

IpRes Lan-Ipoe
  • Fixed a bug in the retrieval of MAC address from underlying DSL modem.

    The value retrieved was wrong, which in turn caused an inconsistent DHCP requests when the resource is configured with IPADD:DHCPC. Certain servers with a strict verification dropped the request.

Cti Router
  • Fixed a bug in voice recording (Voice Mail, Voice Recorder) when codec is Spirit and the speed varies during the call (e.g. from 6400 to 9600).

    The bug caused a damaged recording.

    The Spirit speed change may occur in certain situations, for example upon a call merge or call transfer.

    The bug has been solved by introducing a new recording format for CPM files which is self-adapting to all Spirit coder speeds.

  • Fixed processing of T301 configured in a group port that contains another group, the value was not propagated from parent to child group.

    In the example below the T301:10 was not propagated from G16 to G17/G18, and the default value of T301:180 was used instead.

    16  P  UN                 MAX NO  |G17      G18      G19      .        .       
        - Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        P1:G17       T301:10
        P2:G18       T301:10
    17  R  ST                 MAX NO  |Sip      .        .        .        .       
        - Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        P1:Sip       CDO:147  SP:64000
    18  R  ST                 MAX NO  |Sip      .        .        .        .       
        - Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        P1:Sip       CDO:141  SP:64000

  • Fixed bug in 3PTRANSFER command (third part transfer ordered from OPC).

    Numbers longer then 18 digits was rejected. The limit now is properly set to 20.

  • Fixed bug in 3PTRANSFER command (third part transfer ordered from OPC).

    Numbers longer then 18 digits was rejected. The limit now is properly set to 20.

Virtual Office
  • Fixed bug in 3PTRANSFER command (third part transfer ordered from OPC).

    Numbers longer then 18 digits was rejected. The limit now is properly set to 20.

Cell - LTE
  • Added auto-recovery when device presents itself as BULK device with USB Vendor:0x1E0E Product: 0x9009.

  • Added 'C:\APP\USERS\' directory creation at system start-up, if not already present.

  • Added 'C:\APP\USERS\<user>' directories creation at startup for all users configured in the system, if not already present.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.6

Released on July 12, 2017.



  • Added support of Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange (ECDHE).

  • Added support for SHA256 and SHA384 signatures.

  • Added support of PKCS8 private key format in order to extended the compatibility with certificates issued by a wider range of authorities.


  • Added SIP-OPC-AUTOANSWER parameter in user.

    When a call or a transfer is ordered from OPC interface, or generally via OPC protocol, Abilis requests the phone to autoanswer the call. Some devices, like Siemens Gigaset Dect, refuses the call if autoanswer is required.

    To grant compatibility with these devices, at the price of a little worse OPC user experience, we introduced this parameter to selectively disable the autoanswer.

    [19:42:18] CPX_ANTEK-PBX:d user:user ? sip-opc-autoanswer
    User's parameter(s):
    SIP-OPC-AUTOANSWER: Determines if click-to-call and transfer call must be sent
               with autoanswer request [NO, YES, TRANSFER]:
               - NO: autoanswer not sent;
               - YES: autoanswer sent in first and second call;
               - TRANSFER: autoanswer sent only in the second call.
    [19:42:27] CPX_ANTEK-PBX:


  • Removed HDLC section in CTISYS parameters.

    Reason is that the default values does not need to be changed, and was never changed.

Bug fixes

Cti Router
  • Fixed a bug in software transcoding that in a corner case caused a software exception with system reboot.

Cti Cluster
  • Fixed a residual bug in cluster open/close procedure.

    In a corner case it caused the CLUSTER MISCONF warning and refusal of a call.

    The error was rare and not persistent, so that next call attempt succeeded.

  • For versions AX88772B and AX88772C added the whole chip reset procedure to successfully recover from a USB speed mismatch error.

    Unfortunately chips 88772A and 88772 does not offer such command and can't be reset.

  • Small fixes in D P and help. Values in VS used as "SYS" values in RVS are ground in a section named 'Camera "SYS" values'.

  • D P RVS-x now shows actual value between round brackets when SYS is configured.

  • Clean up and polishing of MIB and documentation.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.5

Released on June 19, 2017.



  • Added support of RSA private key encrypted with AES CBC 128 and 256 bits. Up to now just DES-EDE3-CBC was supported.

  • Changed 'tcpwin' parameter range from 2048..65535 to 8192..65535. Values below 8192 are changed at start-up

Bug fixes

Cti Cluster
  • Fixed and improved the procedure to open/close cluster links.

    The bug left the cluster in an inconsistent state causing the persistent refusal of all subsequent calls, with a cluster misconfiguration detected and indicated in system log.

  • Improved handling of cluster link internal structures upon INIT CITSYS command.

    In some specific situations the internal structures was damaged causing a persistent cluster misconfiguration condition.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the use of CTI cluster names starting with 'g' or 'G' character in 'SR' and 'OUT' fields of CTI Routings and in 'Px' fields of CTI Groups (BAD VALUE error was always returned). The bug was present starting with version 8.1.0.

Ip Resource
  • Fixed 'D D [RES:]Ip-nn ADDR' command output.

    The table of registered IP ADDResse (Local Addresses summary) was wrongly replaced by an internal driver table The bug has been introduced in 8.4.4.

  • Fixed parsing of RIO and RVS index in /sys/iohub/rio-xx and /sys/iohub/rio-xx.

    Only value 1 was accepted.

Virtual office
  • Users administration: added to VO specific pages the possibility to see and configure user/net number of the user.

Ip Router
  • Fixed bug about calculation of TCP-MSS-CLAMP.

    When LCOMP <> NO the TCP-MSS-CLAMP value must be further reduced by 1, and it was not.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.4

Released on May 31, 2017.


  • Extended SSL with a set of new characteristics:

    • TLS 1.2 (in addition to TLS 1.0 and 1.1)

    • 4096 bits RSA keys (in addition to 1024 and 2048)

    • AES-256-CBC

    • protect from poodle TLS attack vulnerability

    • secure renegotiation

    • some fixes (see bug fixes section)

Bug fixes

Cti Router
  • Fixed use of group 'PBX' for call pickup.

    The group, which actually includes only all POTS and VPOTS ports, was not used for Call Pickup

  • Fixed software exception, and consequent system reboot, when setting SGI/SGO/SDI/SDO fields in CTIR with more than 20 characters.

    The bug has been sadly introduced in version 8.1.0.

  • Fixed a bug in transcoding (TC) management when a call involving groups is picked up.

    The bug caused the use of hardware transcoding (HWTC) even if software transcoding (SWTC) was available.

  • Fixed a bug in Call Pickup from Disa to a Group is picked up and transcoding is needed.

    The bug caused a software exception an consequent system reboot.

  • Fixed AC reallocation in CtoG(P/R) connection if group iterates to another Multicast (M) group.

    The bug caused frozen (lost) AC in RESERVED state.

  • Fixed the AC management if BtoG(MC) call is picked up from SIP or IAX.

    The bug caused failure of Call Pickup and frozen AC in reserved state.

  • Fixed the audio parameters evaluation in the P/R group in CtoG/GtoC connection if the audio parameters of incoming cluster were already evaluated by the previous routing of an alternative routings chain.

    The bug caused the connection drop immediately when answered.

  • Fixed the disconnection cause sent to the caller when CT(CF) fails.

    The bug caused the indication of 'normal clear' (80 90) instead of the real cause (e.g. 80 91, 'user busy').

Cti Cluster
  • Added automatic recovery in case of fake cluster misconfiguration detection.

    The bug caused a fake and permanent condition, reported in system log as 'W: Locally detected misconf CTICL', and the rejection of the call.

  • Extended the cluster misconfiguration detection procedure.

    When also the peer Abilis is equipped with version 8.4.4 or higher the log message now occupies three lines and indicates whether the misconfiguration detection occurred on plink (permanent link) or slink (ISDN backup) channel, local and remote cluster name and cluster id, remote Abilis ID.

    1st line can be one of these possibilities:
    W: CTICL misconf-SLINK (LD).
    W: CTICL misconf-PLINK (LD).
    W: CTICL misconf-SLINK (RD).
    W: CTICL misconf-PLINK (RD).
    W: CTICL misconf (RD).
    2nd line can be one of these possibilities:
    W: Local:<local_clus_name>[<local_clus_id]
    3rd line can be one of these possibilities:
    W: Remote:<remote_clus_name>[<remote_clus_id>], ABILIS-ID:<remote_abilis_id>
    W: Remote:<remote_clus_name>[<remote_clus_id>], ABILIS-ID:N/A
    W: Remote:N/A, ABILIS-ID:N/A  
    LD = Locally detected
    RD = locally detected
    PLINK = Permanenly link interface
    SLINK = Switched link (ISDN) interface
    W: CTICL misconf-SLINK (LD).
    W: Local:CARRIER[1]
    W: Remote:CUSTOMER[450], ABILIS-ID:1400554
Virtual Office
  • Fixed a bug that prevented call forwarding when the user was set for "Voip only" (USER-NUM:Abilisphone) and the user preferences had the Voip contact disabled (VOIP-CONTACT:NO).

  • Fixed CLIP number provision.

    The number normalization was not performed, so that the national and international numbers where delivered without the corresponding prefixes.

    Now the proper prefix is added if the parameter TON-TO-PREFIX in CTISYS is set to YES (default).

    [12:04:38] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ctisys
    RES:CtiSys --------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:CTI_System_general_properties
           - Router ---------------------------------------------------------------
           NAT-PREFIX:0        INT-PREFIX:00      COUNTRY-CODE:39
    Numbers shown with bug
    u348xxx -> 348xxx
    n376xxx -> 376xxx
    i44xxx  -> 44xxx
    Numbers shown without bug
    u348xxx -> 348xxx
    n376xxx -> 0376xxx
    i44xxx  -> 0044xxx

Mail notifications
  • Fixed calling and called number normalization (see Pots fix for examples).

    The numbers provided in the messages where not normalized, so that the national and international numbers where delivered without the corresponding prefixes.

    Now the proper prefix is added if the parameter TON-TO-PREFIX in CTISYS is set to YES (default).

Voice recorder
  • Fixed calling and called number normalization (see Pots fix for examples).

    The numbers provided in the messages where not normalized, so that the national and international numbers where delivered without the corresponding prefixes.

    Now the proper prefix is added if the parameter TON-TO-PREFIX in CTISYS is set to YES (default).

Operator Panel control
  • Number normalization has been changed to depend only on CTISYS parameter TON-TO-PREFIX.

    The dependency on the chain user-ctisys TON-TO-PRERIX values caused incorrect situations.

  • Extended opc debug lsn:8 (calls trace) with attributes added to called and calling number.

  • Fixed a bug when browser is Opera: the call log shown calls of all user interfaces instead of the main interface only.

  • Fixed a bug when browser is Opera: the call log shown calls of all user interfaces instead of the CTIP interface only.

  • Fixed CELL-ERR: indication.

    In case that the AT interface initialisation could not be completed the 'NO-SIM' indication was improperly reported; now 'AT-INIT-FAILED' is properly indicated.

CellKey - LTE
  • Fixed actual level of output stream corresponding to the value of 0 db CODEC-GAIN-OUT parameter.

    The actual value was too loud.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a sw exception and consequent system reboot during device connection/disconnection or device reset.

  • Fixed a bug when MODE:ACD and END-CDO:<>#. The bug caused software exception and system reboot.

Ip Router
  • IPFLOW: added fragment indication when packet is fragmented (F-FRAG for first frag, N-FRAG for next frag).

  • IPFLOW: added IP and ICMP identifiers (IP-ID or ICMP-ID).

  • ICMP statistics: added LOST-BUF (IN) statistics for packets received but discarded due ICMP_FIFO_IN full.

  • ICMP: added extra header information in checksum error log, visible with DEBUG RES:IPRTR LSN:70 CMD:EXT.

  • Rearranged all the LSNs and the help for DEBUG RES:IPRTR.

  • Added IP FRAG/REAS statistics under DEBUG RES:IPRTR LSN:20 and 21.

  • Added TCP-MSS-CLAMP current value for AIPT IPRES, under DEBUG RES:IPRTR LSN:60 and 61.

  • PINGSTAT: fixed error message when a parameter value is out-of-range.

Ip Resource
  • Changed default 'FRAG' value from NO to AIPT when subtype is AIPT/AIPT-BCK.

  • Fixed bug on TCP MSS CLAMP for subtype AIPT: it didn't properly consider all the overhead bytes.

    The bug caused the generation of packets greater than FRAGSIZE: value, with the risk of further IP-level fragmentation.

    The actual TCP MSS CLAMP value and TCP MSS CLAMP statistics are visible under IPRTR debugs, LSN:60 and 61,

  • Changed default 'FRAGSIZE' value from 1400 to 1480, when FRAG:AIPT.

  • Added 'longest packet' and 'fragmented packets' statistics for subtype AIPT, under DEBUG RES:Ip-x PROT:PLINKE LSN:16.

    • ENC-xxx values include the OUTER tunnel envelope, therefore it is the actual IP packet length as sent/received on the physical line

    • PAY-xxx are the lengths of tunnel payload packets

    • FRAX-xxx are the number of payload packets that had to be link-fragmented by AIPT fragmentation.

    [18:09:29] ABILIS_CPX:_debug res:ip-227 prot:plinke  lsn:16
    RES:Ip-227 - IP over IP (Abilis tunnel) (AIPT) --------------------------------
           BufferLength:64512  Date/Time:29/05/2017 18:09:41 TraceTime:437820263
           WARNINGS: PAY-DATA and FRAG-xxx are available only for FRAG:AIPT
                     FRAG-xxx are available only for LCOMP:NO and LCR:NO/VOICE
           Longest tunnel packets - outer (encapsulated) and payload
           ENC-DATA   |       1480|       1480|PAY-DATA   |       1492|       1500|
           ENC-VOICE  |          -|          -|PAY-VOICE  |          -|          -|
           ENC-CHK    |         55|         55|PAY-CHK    |         15|         15|
           Fragmented DATA payload packets (FRAG:AIPT only)
           FRAG-TOT   |       2868|         11|
           FRAG-TCP   |          2|          0|FRAG-ICMP  |          0|          0|
           FRAG-UDP   |       2866|         11|FRAG-OTHER |          0|          0|

  • Added extra header information in checksum error log, visible with DEBUG RES:TCP LSN:4 CMD:EXT.

  • Added extra header information in checksum error log, visible with DEBUG RES:UDP LSN:3 CMD:EXT.

  • D NAT command: added the possibility to specify more then one priority value (e.g. a list of values or a range of values).

  • Added extra header information in checksum error log, visible with DEBUG RES:NAT LSN:4 CMD:EXT.

  • Fixed TCP-RESET statistic to be increased only when a TCP RESET is really sent.

    The bug caused a completely wrong increase, almost for every packet.

  • Fixed a bug in computing allowed size of TLS packet.

    The bug caused the session closure when uploading large more than 16 kbytes, which is immediately evident when uploading a file.

Rvs and Rio
  • Fixed a bug in devices discovery. The source IP of discovery packets was incorrectly determined in some particular configurations.

    The bug caused no devices discovered at all when the specific conditions were met.

  • Fixed image timestamp caching handling in some situations.

    The bug caused an empty alarm list until system was rebooted, and a timeline shown with 1/1/1970 as start time.

  • Fixed alarm list handling.

    The bug caused the cut of the alarm list in presence of a large number of alarms, more or less when the XML describing the alarms reached 120 kbytes.

  • Vs alarm setting pages: fixed handling of Mfio resource in resources list.

    The bug caused an error in 'setting form' submission.

  • Vs main page: added proper message and changed to blank image when selecting 'periodical' or "periodical an alarms" and the timeline is not valid.

  • Vs main page: fixed a bug that caused a javascript error notification when a cam passed from the UP to DOWN state while playing LIVE.


Added 'cxIpRtrStIcmpInLostBuf' statistic to cxIpRtrStIcmpTable table. Updated MIB and html document.

Control Port
  • Added string decode 'smtps' for tcp/udp port 465 and 'imaps' for tcp/udp port 993.

Trace Manager
  • Fixed a bug in '.pcap' conversion for 'internal UDP' fromat.

    The bug caused a wrong indication of source MAC address, which was visible when both source and destination MAC are identical.

  • Fixed unsuitable deletion of eventually pre-existent files in 'to XLS' and 'to i4B' traces conversions.

    The bug caused an improper file deletion of output files.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.3

Released on April 7, 2017.


Call Logs
  • Added possibility to exports call logs in CSV format.

    Two types of exports are possible: limited and extended. They are automatically chosen based on current view.


    • Individual user exports offer filenames starting with user name.

    • All Users export offers filename starting with "all".

    • Export of a multiple user selection is not available.

    • Records are provided in the same order as they are recorded, i.e. from most recent call closure. Note that the Date Time field contains instead the call opening time, therefore once records are imported in the user program they must be reordered as needed.

    • All Users export is offered first ordered by user and then by most recent call closure. The user name is present in every record.

Bug fixes

Cti Cluster
  • Fixed CF-ALWAYS support on cluster in down state. The bug caused the call failure instead of call forward.

  • Fixed the AC reallocation when C(ISDA)toG/GtoY call is picked up and originally allocated AC is not usable with the new destination. The bug caused mute call picked up from PcPhone.

  • Enabled Click-to-Call autoanswer in the first call too.

  • Increased buffer size for Record-Route headers from 256 to 1024 bytes. Certain servers fills adds many Record-Route header and requires more memory for proper handling.

  • Added RCC toward SIP user when upon CallTry there is a different in the coders negotiated on the two legs of the call.

CellKey LTE
  • Improved voice handling and added automatic recovery procedures in case of not functional audio stream.

  • Fixed a bug in data traffic start in presence of unexpected URC SMS:DONE, the data traffic was not started at all. We experienced this situation with an Algerian operator.

  • Improved SIM readiness detection to correctly work with a wider type of SIMs.

Call Forwards
  • Fixed a bug in call forward/fork when user preferences are set to Real Calling: the TON/NP was incorrectly forced to unknown/unknown (ux) instead of being transparently passed. The bug was not present if call forward/fork was due to advanced preferences.

  • Fixed a bug when processing *59 supplementary service.

    The new setting was not saved on disk if nothing changed in advanced preferences, with the risk of loosing the change at next reboot. The bug has been introduced in release 8.2.0.

Address Book
  • Fixed and simplified the import/export dialogs.

  • Improved the export format by enforcing "" delimiter for all text fields. This often makes easier the import in spreadsheets.

  • Fixed a bug that in some rare case could impede the correct link activation.

Ip router
  • Fixed bug when changing STATE-DETECT parameter: INIT RES:IP didn't refresh IP resource MAIN STATE, so it could happen that when STATE-DETECT:PING is set after an INIT command, MAIN STATE remains UP even if PING-STATE is DOWN. This is an initialization problem, when PING-STATE goes UP, everything works correctly.

  • Fixed and improved debug commands help.

  • Fixes to permit an appropriate trace of packets delivered to "internal UDP" in all situations. The updated TrcConv/TrcMgrW is also required.

  • Fixed the handling of certificates.

  • Added support for files holding a public certificates chain (multiple public certificates in the same file).

  • Added the automatic creation of directory C:\APP\SSL.

    It is suggested to use this directory for the location of custom file certificates, that must have the same identical name as the default ones: SRVSSL.CER, SRVSSL.KEY, CLISSL.CER, CLISSL.KEY.

  • Recreated self-signed default certificates.

Remote IO (RIO)
  • Increased number of Analog Inputs in subtypes 1-6 from 2 to 4.

Video recorder (RVS)
  • Increased number of Analog Inputs in subtypes 1-6 from 2 to 4.

Trace Manager
  • Fixed payload content for 'Internal UDP' format in 'To .pcap' traces conversions: the correct posted NCB_SEND payload is retrieved from corresponding issued NCB_SEND (if traced).

  • Fixed 'Internal UDP' format in 'To .pcap' traces conversions: added IP and UDP header reconstruction. It is necessary in those cases when IPRTR changes the NCB_SEND buffer content received from UDP (because of fragmentation, NAT and so on).

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.2

Released on March 16, 2017.


Boot Manager (BM)
  • Added BM version identification, which is made available in D I, SYS BMVERIFY, SYS BMINSTALL commands. In Abilis 8.4.2 the BM version is 2039.4.

  • BM log has been fixed of a recirculation bug and now provides more precise information.

  • If keyboard is connected, the DEL key does not cause reboot anymore.

  • Starting with versions 7.10.7 and 8.4.2, BM requires at least 64 Mbytes, but it is backward compatible with previous Abilis versions since 7.0.0, that require at least 32 MBytes. In future Abilis will also require at least 64 Mbytes.

  • Due to important improvements and fixes it is recommended to update older BM version to this new one.

Control Port
  • Added commands to verify and install Boot Manager (BM).

    BootManager must be installed on all disks that M/B BIOS can use for booting, i.e. all SATA and IDE disks. It is NOT necessary to install BM on USB disks.

    [17:42:29] ABILIS_CPX:sys bmverify ?
    SYS BMVERIFY [<drive>]                Verify Boot Manager on all mounted disks,
                                          or on the specified one (file BM.RTA).
    <drive>    Drive name [C:,..,Z:]                                     <Optional>
    [17:45:22] ABILIS_CPX:sys bmverify
    Verify Boot Manager on all mounted disks (file BM.RTA).
    Drive  Version   Date         Time                Size
    C:     2039.4    16/03/2017   13:30:08          263680
    D:     Error [ -9]: file not found
    [17:45:28] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                                                                                   
    [17:45:28] ABILIS_CPX:sys bminstall ?
    SYS BMINSTALL <drive> [<ver>|<path>][-F]  Installs Abilis Boot Manager, BM.RTA
                                              file, to the specified drive.
                                              The BM.RTA is created from the BM.RTB
                                              file located in the directory of the
                                              running version, unless a different
                                              location is specified.
    <drive>    Target drive name [C:,..,Z:]                             <Mandatory>
    <ver>      Abilis version directory where 'BM.RTB' file is located, <Optional>
               in the format [x.y.z or x-y-z or y.z or y-z or y],
               (E.g.: 5.3.1 or 6-1-0 or 2189).
    <path>     Full path of the directory where 'BM.RTB' file            <Optional>
               is located. Physical full path in DOS notation,
               i.e. starting with a drive letter in the range ['A'..'Z']
               and ending with the '\' character. Spaces are allowed.
               Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks
               (E.g.: "C:\My dir").
    -F         Force Boot Manager version downgrade                      <Optional>
    [17:47:30] ABILIS_CPX:sys bminstall c:
    PROCEED (NO/YES)?yes
    [17:47:39] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                  
    [17:47:39] ABILIS_CPX:d i
        Abilis CPX - Ver. 8.4.2/STD - Build 4175.31 - Branch 8.4 - 16/03/2017
                                (c) 1994/2017 - Abilis
    ABILIS-ID: 1600052
    Free/Total Memory (in byte): 16,932,668/260,046,848
    Free/Used/Total HD/CF space (in Kibyte): 306,240/197,160/503,400
    File           Version   Date         Time             Size   Note
    CPX.RTB        .......   16/03/2017   13:07:10      6680855
    BM.RTB         2039.4    16/03/2017   13:07:06       261476
    [17:48:27] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                  

  • Added DEBUG FILE CONF command. It displays the internal file system driver configuration.

    [17:48:27] ABILIS_CPX:debug file conf
    RTF configuration:
    - Maximum number of physical disks: 32
    - Maximum number of drives:         25
    - Maximum number of files:          135
    - Maximum number of buffers:        256
    - Sector buffer size:               4096
    [17:56:04] ABILIS_CPX:     
  • Changed file system buffers and buffer size:

    - Maximum number of buffers:        1024
    - Sector buffer size:               512
    - Maximum number of buffers:        256
    - Sector buffer size:               4096

    The new settings improves performances and solves problems with certain commands on USB disks.

  • If keyboard is connected, the DEL key does not cause reboot anymore.

  • If video is connected it now prints clean BM messages and in some case Abilis warnings, but more important is the emulated LCD panel on the lower left corner, and if a keyboard is connected the arrows keys and enter key emulates LCD buttons.

  • Added up to 2 decimals when displaying PING and PINGSTAT packet loss percentage.

Bug fixes

Cti Router
  • Fixed the crossing of disconnecting and call transfer ordering events, causing the forever frozen connection (and FRMWRs).

  • Fixed the tone generator closure when the P/R group switches from local tone generation to the inband tone passing. The bug caused FRMWR.

Virtual Office - AbilisPhone
  • Fixed user session blockage after a normal callback requested by Abilisphone via GSM.

  • Fixed voicemail/fork simultaneity: on voicemail timer expiry, the forked call is now dropped and call proceeds to voicemail, while before the fix the voicemail did not proceed.

  • Fixed voicemail/fork simultaneity: on voicemail timer expiry, the forked call is now dropped and call proceeds to voicemail, while before the fix the voicemail did not proceed.

  • Fixed processing of escape sequence (**) in dialled number (CD): the escape sequence was not recognised.

Ip Router
  • Removed VRRP parameter from VIRTUAL IpRes because it is not used.

  • Removed a bug introduced in 8.4.1 related to the use of Router-Id when outgoing res missed IPADD. It caused problems mainly with NAT.

    The correct behaviour is now restored.

  • Removed a bug introduced in 8.4.1 related to the use of Router-Id when outgoing res missed IPADD. It caused problems mainly with NAT.

    The correct behaviour is now restored.

  • Fixed infinite loop in case of wrong SSL certificates.

Automation - Iolog
  • Fixed bug generating a 'phantom transition' by wrong evaluation of N/A sample(s).

  • Fixed inefficiency in the generation of 'D D IOHUB IOLOG LINE' listing that caused a incremental slowness.

Remote IO (RIO)
  • Fixed a rare bug that in case of quick "INITs" sequence caused a misalignment of I/O state indicated to IOHUB and IOLOG. The misalignment was recovered at the first next transition and this made it not always visible.

  • Fixed indication of analog values in NCB_DIAG when the value is not available: there was 0, now there is N/A. The previous behaviour caused problems only to the value reported by LUA, where 0 was indicated instead of N/A.

  • Extended 'CLOSE' statistic with output counter.

Video recorder (RVS)
  • Fixed a rare bug that in case of quick "INITs" sequence caused a misalignment of I/O state indicated to IOHUB and IOLOG. The misalignment was recovered at the first next transition and this made it not always visible.

  • RVS Camera: changed default of JPEG-QUALITY from LOW to MEDIUM.

  • Extended 'CLOSE' statistic with output counter.

  • Added 'IMAGE-ERR' statistics.

  • The Video Recorder HTTP pages now verify the correspondence of cached javascripts with Abilis version, and forces the reload if they mismatch.

  • Various improvements and fixes in 'alarms' and 'cameras setting' pages.

  • Increased the precision of the progress with steps of 100ms in order to allow next/prev image loading by means of let/right arrow keys.

Control Port
  • DEBUG IRQ and DEBUG TASK commands: fixed date and time since the last time statistics have been cleared (the time passed since clear was truncated resulting in wrong or invalid date and time)

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.1

Released on February 17, 2017.


  • Added support of VLANs.

  • Added Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. P43-ES3G into multicore enabled list.

  • Added more options for setting DISPLAY-NAME value in the direction Abilis->Sip device.

    d p ctisip ?
    DISPLAY-NAME: Selects how to fill Display Name in From, P-Asserted-Identity,
               Remote-Party-ID fields [NO, CG, SG, SG-CG, ADDRBOOK, ADDRBOOK-CG]     
    d user:xx ?
    SIP-DISPLAY-NAME: Selects how to fill Display Name in From, P-Asserted-Identity,
               Remote-Party-ID fields [SYS, NO, CG, SG, SG-CG, ADDRBOOK, ADDRBOOK-CG]


    Use the value specified in CTISIP resource.


    Do not add Display Name.


    Fill with Calling Number.


    Fill with Subaddress Calling.


    Fill with Subaddress Calling if present, otherwise fill with Calling Number.


    Fill with the name obtained by searching the Calling Number in Address book.


    Fill with the name obtained by searching the Calling Number in Address book if found, otherwise fill with Calling Number.

Video recorder
  • Added support of RVS version 5.x.

  • With RVS >= 5.0 the images now offer a preview with lower quality and much lower bandwidth requirements. It is possible to enable HQ (High quality) on-the-fly during any kind of playback by checking the HQ checkbox below the image.

  • The preview quality can be set in camera configuration to LOW, MEDIUM (default), HIGH. Once an image is captured it's preview quality cannot be changed.


    320x280, soft quantization


    640x480, average quantization


    800x600, strong quantization

  • Added backward playback

  • Changed the (re)assignment order of PCI/PCIe cards. Now the PCIe cards are assigned first, moreover on some specific motherboards the PCIe order is reversed in order to guarantee that on-board ethernet is preferably assigned to ETH-1, currently are: D2594-A1, ga-p43-es3g, ga-p31-ds3l.

Control Port
  • Added D PCIDEVE command. It displays extended informations.

  • Improved D DEV output. Now "Active PCI Devices" shows PCI vs PCIe bus type and clearly indicates if SlotId is manually reconfigured for the use at next boot.

Bug fixes

Cti Router
  • Fixed a bug in transcoding unit that could cause software exception and system reboot when RCC (Runtime Codec Change) takes place.

  • Fixed a bug that cut the Called Number in call-logs if the call was dropped in overlap receiving state. The bug was introduced in 8.3.0.

  • Fixed a bug that in some cases shown an incomplete called number in D CTIC[E] and D LDME[E] for calls to Virtual Office.

Virtual Office - AbilisPhone
  • CtiVo Numbers: allowed the possibility to configure NET-NUM that are prefixes of USER-NUM and vice-versa. The conflict is now generated only for numbers of the same 'side'.

  • Fixed a bug with DIALOUT-PREFIX handling. The prefix was not removed prior to check for international prefix, the result for an Italian installation with DIALOUT-PREFIX=0 and COUNTRY-CODE=39 was that calls to 0 039xxx number from Abilisphone were improperly modified by cutting the 0 039, leaving just xxx.

  • Various other fixes to improve stability and correct reactions in various conditions.

  • Fixed RecordRoute and Route header fields building in case of multiple header rows, a wrong check caused garbage to be added in some conditions.

  • Fixed some bugs in sip log.

  • Fixed SIP-MAXSES-IN handling in calls from SIP device to Abilis: even if set to 0 it allowed the call.

Ip router
  • Fixed bug that disabled the use of IP load Balancing in conditional source routes.

  • Fixed a bug that causes software exception and system restart in case of NAT-LOOPBACK:YES and a packet is looped back with an unknown ipres. Bug has been introduced in 8.3.7.

  • Fixed bug that caused IP addresses registered on IP Resource to be considered internal even if its OPSTATE:DOWN.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Poecli to use VLAN on Ethernet interfaces.

Dhcp Client
  • Removed the need of 'server identifier' match when receiving ACK or NAK packets: the rfc does not mandate the match and certain redundant DHCP servers provide unmatched 'server identifier', this scenario is real and legit.

Automation - Iolog
  • Fixed a bug in graphs of analog values, the number of decimals was sometimes incorrect.

  • Fixed in graphs the display of disabled alarm thresholds. Instead of being hidden they were shown as -10.0k and 10.0k.

Video recorder
  • Fixed MAX-AGE handling, it did not work at all.

  • Many fixes to improve stability and efficiency.

TraceManager converter
  • Added missing VLAN information (IEEE 802.1Q) in 'To PCAP' conversion for Ethernet frames.

Known bugs

Automation - Iolog
  • Analog graphs have a limitation on Y axis origin, it is forced to be <=0.

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.4.0

Released on December 27, 2016.


  • Added support for Abilis VDSL2 modem.

  • The devices and resources have been renamed from DEV:ADSLUSB and RES:ADSL to DEV:DSLUSB and RES:DSL. It has been required by the simultaneous use for ADSL and VDSL

  • Added support for Remote I/O (RIO) devices.

  • The A RES:IO must be used to create the IO subsystem needed to handle all RIO devices. The RIO devices are dynamically created or removed through the Rio/Rvs configuration web interface, and they appears in Abilis as RIO-x resources.

  • Added support for Remote Videosurveillance (RVS) devices.

  • The A RES:VS must be used to create the VS subsystem needed to handle all RVS devices. The RVS devices are dynamically created or removed through the Rio/Rvs configuration web interface, and they appears in Abilis as RVS-x resources.

  • Added IpConf resource that permits discovery and initial configuration of RIO and RVS devices. The resource is added automatically when either IO or VS resources are added. The interface of this resource is the Rio/Rvs configuration web page in the Administration section.

  • The former GPIOPC is now called IOHUB.

  • Added IOLOG feature to store on compact flash or hard disk the IO events.

  • Iolog events recording is configurable via standard CP interface.

  • Iolog events are viewable as graphs in the Automation log web page in the Administration section.

Ip Resource
  • Performance improvements of Ip over Lan by removal of the internal IPLAN layer.

Lua (Script)
  • Added support for Rio and Rvs I/O.

Ctir router
  • Improved software transcoder by handling a jitter buffer whose size is automatically adjusted to the negotiated MJ value.

  • Added FQDN management to REMIPx: parameters .

Abilis AIPT and PV
  • Added FQDN management to REMIPx: parameters.

  • Improved time adjustment by smoothing the time change when the difference is below 1 minute. This modification avoid jumps back of the time if difference is within 1 minute.

Virtual Office
  • Improved Abilisphone reaction to incoming events on IOS.

  • The parameter MONITOR: has been renamed to TRIGGER:

    [11:13:58] CPX_INTERNET:_d alarm
    ID: |[DESCR:]
        |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |TRIGGER: |ACTION:
        |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-SERVICE:
        |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
    TRIGGER:   Alarm/event to be monitored [NONE, TRAP, ALARM-ON, ALARM-OFF,
               ALARM-*, ON, OFF, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, *]
               'TRAP', 'ALARM-ON', 'ALARM-OFF' are allowed only for IO equal to #;
               'TRAP' is allowed only for ACTION not equal to DISA-CB;
               'ON', 'OFF', '*' are allowed only for Digital lines;
               'LOW', 'NORMAL', 'HIGH', '*' are allowed only for Analog lines.  

Bug fixes

  • All fixes up to 8.3.12 are present in 8.4.0.

Known bugs

  • none