Released on October 21, 2015.
Fixed a bug that in some rare cases could case a stack fault with subsequent system reboot.
Fixed a bug that caused mute calls with Abilisphone when using in Spirit speed changes.
Fixed a bug that in some cases caused a dropped call if a port of a group sent the call to Voice Mail.
Fixed the evaluation of incoming audio parameters not to modify them for alternative routing when there is no suitable codec. The bug caused failure of alternative routing if previous routing did not find any suitable codec in incoming call.
Fixed a bug that could cause system restart during the reconfiguration of cluster links.
Added the display name in P-Asserted-Identity and in Remote-Party-ID header fields.
Call cancelling with code Q931_CS_NONSEL_USER is handled with SIP reason 200 to fulfill third party implementations requirements.
Fixed possible bad audio quality if SIP-CHAN-FREQ is 20 ms cause by not initialized variable. The problem is actually very seldom to be experienced.
Fixed bug that caused to loose channel frames during sending phase when IP frame reached its MTU limit: in that situation, packet that doesn't fit in was silently discarded.
This bug was almost invisible with low rate codecs like Spirit and G.729, more easy to encounter with G.711. The effect was a very disturbed communication.
ADSL2+ modem: fixed a bug with C S command that didn't correctly clear some stats (e.g. AAL5) if the command was issued when modem was temporary disconnected from USB.
User administration: fixed bug in IAX-REM-PASS, SIP-REM-PASS, CHAT-PWD parameters handling that caused the password to be reset to a sequence of nine asterisks if the page was submitted with the indicated fields unchanged..
Fixed a bug that caused heap corruption and possible SSL malfunctions.
Released on September 24, 2015.
Performance improvements.
Performance improvements.
Performance improvements.
Fixed bug in contact renaming in Abilis address book. The modification of the case of the contact name generated a false conflict that requested an unnecessary confirmation.
Fixed a bug that prevented to order a call from Address book when Ldap was used.
Fixed problem of CTIVO numbers that could be truncated by normalization process. The solution has been to limit international format numbers to a maximum of 15 digits (that is the maximum allowed by E.164).
Re-allowed searches of 'IN' items in 'IS' cpx lists that was wrongly disabled starting from version 8.0 this was disabled
This bug caused CTIR searches in 'IS' list to fail because CTIR uses 'IN' item type to make the search.
Fixed CTIR routings 'Last change' information displayed by D CTIR command: the printed value was wrong (it was the CTI clusters update time).
Fixed failure CallTransfer GItoX procedure when GI side has already been closed, which is possible thanks to task switching. The bug caused the frozen connection in Null/Null state.
Changed the internal rejection cause value from NO_SIDE to NO_CHAN when all connection sides - object - are exhausted.
Fixed a software exception caused by incoming call from SLink and routing configuration POI:Gx and GI:#. The bug caused the system reboot.
Fixed BCI/BCO fields content in D CTICE listing to provide correct values. There were wrong Speech value regardless of the connection type.
Made some optimization in the reception queue to increase performances on heavy load.
Fixed a bug with the treatment of PPPOE packets that blocked the transmission of PADT packets.
Fixed a bug with the treatment of PPPOE packets that blocked the transmission of PADT packets.
Realtek: Removed log message about Auto recovery event, it floods log in some cases, statistic AUTO-INIT is enough in this case.
Several improvements to better solve critical situations.
Fixed tag overlapping To header field content causing missing registrations of some device.
Do not reject anymore Register and Invite if Contact field is missing.
Removed wrong carriage return line feed after invite digest authentication. This bug caused registration failure from some device.
Fixed Digest Ream IP address that was inverted causing some system not to register in Abilis.
Removed IPCP IP duplication check when remote provides an IP address. This because it could cause problem in some customer installation where the same IP address is provided in both PPP primary and dial-up.
Fixed PPP critical bug when waiting for remote CHAP challenge. No time-out timers was present, so in case remote didn't send it's challenge, local PPP state was AUTHENTICATING permanently. Now in case of no requests from remote side, LCP state is closed after time-out (10 seconds, the same of PAP protocol).
Fixed a bug that caused the missed transmission of PADT upon INIT RES:POEAC, even if it was registered in the Poecli log. Moreover PADT is repeated a second time after 10 msec to reduce the possibility to loose it.
Fixed a bug that caused the missed transmission of PADT upon INIT RES:POECLI, even if it was registered in the Poeac log. Moreover PADT is repeated a second time after 10 msec to reduce the possibility to loose it.
Fixed closure phase that impeded to use ftpssl with Filezilla client.
Fixed a bug that in some situations caused a memory corruption. The system continue to work but since memory is corrupted the trace can't started anymore.
Several fixes and improvements in the UPC settings page.
Released on August 6, 2015.
Removed 'ALARMED RESOURCEs' message printed on system log because the repetition caused log flooding. The message is printed on LCD only (as it was in past versions)
Fixed inverted in/out Payload Bandwidth/Throughput values in Adsl VC diagnostics.
Fixed missing padding in location tracking causing position with initial zeros to be wrongly displayed in Operator Panel.
Fixed a bug in Phone traffic, "NOW, by number" analysis.
In some conditions when call forward was involved a call was counted twice.
Restyling of Phone traffic graphs.
Removed the filter summary section.
Move interval specification from page header to graph vertical axis description.
Missing horizontal lines in realtime graph IP traffic , and on all graphs of Phone traffic.
Fixed some positioning problems of the info window.
Further small restyling and fixes.
Fixed Incorrect drivers.cfg and drivers.dft that were wrongly included in the distributed package.
Released on July 31, 2015.
Abilis web pages have been deeply restyled and is now better readable.
Next version will also have a reorganization of the administration pages for a better usability.
Here is the new Abilis home page:
Figure: Abilis 8.2.0 home page
Added support for IPoE (IPoEoA) service
To use this service you have to configured an IP-over-Lan resources with IPoE as LANRES that in turn needs and ADSL as LOWRES.
DHCP client may be needed, but it depends on your provider.
Here are a couple of configuration examples, NAT side is assume to be OUTSIDE, but it clearly depends on your needs:
[12:59:09] ABILIS_CPX:d tree VALIDATION IN PROGRESS ... VALIDATION SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED ... ------------------------------- IP Resource(s) -------------------------------- Iprtr ... \---Ip-11 \---IpoE-1 \---Adsl-1 ... [12:59:14] ABILIS_CPX: [13:14:34] ABILIS_CPX:d p ipoe-1 RES:IpoE-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS LOWRES:Adsl-1 max-vlans:0 ip-rxbuf:25 arp-rxbuf:5 VPI:8 VCI:35 QOS:NORMAL MAC-ADDR:AUTO (00-26-75-84-2E-07) ENC:RFC1483-LLCMUX RES:Adsl-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS max-vc:5 aal5-max-payload:2100 aal5-payload-rxbuf:30 usb-rx-bufsize:1728 usb-rx-buf:3 usb-tx-bufsize:3200 - Abilis-5800UB specific ----------------------------------------------- 5800UB-MODULATION:Auto [13:14:59] ABILIS_CPX:d p ipoe-1 ? IpoE resource parameter(s): DESCR: Resource description. From 0 up to 79 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "str1 str2") LOG: State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E] (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm; T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual) LOWRES: Lower resource [NONE, Adsl-XXX] ip-rxbuf: Number of receive buffers for IP [1..255] arp-rxbuf: Number of receive buffers for ARP [1..255] max-vlans: Maximum number of VLANs [0..250] VPI: ATM/ADSL Virtual Path Identifier [0..255] VCI: ATM/ADSL Virtual Channel Identifier [0..65535] QOS: ATM/ADSL Quality Of Service [LOW, NORMAL, HIGH] MAC-ADDR: MAC address [AUTO, 00-00-00-00-00-00..FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF] Broadcast and multicast addresses are not allowed. ENC: Encapsulation [RFC1483-VCMUX, RFC1483-LLCMUX] [13:15:00] ABILIS_CPX:
Without DHCP:
[12:59:14] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-11 RES:Ip-11 - IP over LAN (LAN) ------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: OPSTATE:UP LOG:NO STATE-DETECT:NORMAL LANRES:IpoE-1 IPADD: MASK: REDIS:EXT HIDE:NO RP:NONE IPSEC:NO VRRP:NO NAT:OUTSIDE DIFFSERV:NO DDNS:NO OUTBUF:100 OUTQUEUE:FAIR MTU:1500 BRD:NET OUTSPL:NO INBUF:0 mru:1500 SRCV:NO - TRFA section --------------------------------------------------------- TRFA:NO - Lan ------------------------------------------------------------------ LLOG:NO arpcache:200 CACHETIMER:120 rxbuf:4 txbuf:14 VLAN-ID:UNTAG RES:IpoE-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS LOWRES:Adsl-1 max-vlans:0 ip-rxbuf:25 arp-rxbuf:5 VPI:8 VCI:35 QOS:NORMAL MAC-ADDR:AUTO (00-26-75-84-2E-07) ENC:RFC1483-LLCMUX RES:Adsl-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS max-vc:1 aal5-max-payload:2100 aal5-payload-rxbuf:30 usb-rx-bufsize:1728 usb-rx-buf:3 usb-tx-bufsize:3200 - Abilis-5800UB specific ----------------------------------------------- 5800UB-MODULATION:Auto [13:00:19] ABILIS_CPX:
With DHCP:
[13:09:01] ABILIS_CPX:d p dhcpc RES:DhcpC --------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR:Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol_Client LOG:DS ACT:YES msg-len:1472 cli-udp-locport:68 srv-udp-remport:67 TOS:0-N DHCP-SERVER:* DHCP-SERVER-LIST:# [13:09:23] ABILIS_CPX: [13:08:59] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-11 RES:Ip-11 - IP over LAN (LAN) ------------------------------------------------- - IP over LAN (LAN) ---------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: OPSTATE:UP LOG:NO STATE-DETECT:NORMAL LANRES:IpoE-1 IPADD:DHCP DHCP-GW:YES DHCP-GW-AD:2 DHCP-DNS:YES REDIS:EXT HIDE:NO RP:NONE IPSEC:NO VRRP:NO NAT:OUTSIDE DIFFSERV:NO DDNS:NO OUTBUF:100 OUTQUEUE:FAIR MTU:1500 BRD:NET OUTSPL:NO INBUF:0 mru:1500 SRCV:NO - TRFA section --------------------------------------------------------- TRFA:NO - Lan ------------------------------------------------------------------ LLOG:NO arpcache:200 CACHETIMER:120 rxbuf:4 txbuf:14 VLAN-ID:UNTAG RES:IpoE-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS LOWRES:Adsl-1 max-vlans:0 ip-rxbuf:25 arp-rxbuf:5 VPI:8 VCI:35 QOS:NORMAL MAC-ADDR:AUTO (00-26-75-84-2E-07) ENC:RFC1483-LLCMUX RES:Adsl-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR: LOG:DS max-vc:1 aal5-max-payload:2100 aal5-payload-rxbuf:30 usb-rx-bufsize:1728 usb-rx-buf:3 usb-tx-bufsize:3200 - Abilis-5800UB specific ----------------------------------------------- 5800UB-MODULATION:Auto [13:09:01] ABILIS_CPX:
Added TLS 1.1 and removed SSL V2 and V3.
SSL V2 and V3 are obsolete and vulnerable and most recent browsers disallow them. TLS 1.0 is considered vulnerable too, although still tolerated.
We removed support of SSL V2 and V3 , we added support for TLS 1.1.
Concurrently we disabled the client side of our SSL driver because there is no driver currently ready to use it.
Here is the new SSL configuration:
[13:25:52] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssl RES:Ssl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Run DESCR:Secure_Socket_Layer LOG:NO ACT:YES max-srv:40 SEND-TOUT:20 CACHE-TOUT:300 PWDKEY-SRV:DFT CERT-PATH:SYS (C:\8-2-0\) [13:25:54] ABILIS_CPX: [13:25:54] ABILIS_CPX:d p ssl ? Ssl resource parameter(s): DESCR: Resource description. From 0 up to 79 Alphanumeric extended characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "str1 str2") LOG: State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E] (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm; T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual) ACT: Operation activation [NO, YES] max-srv: Number of SSL servers [0..100] SEND-TOUT: Send timeout for SSL handshake protocol [10..600 sec.] CACHE-TOUT: SSL Session cache time out [60..7200 sec.] PWDKEY-SRV: Password for decoding encrypted private RSA key file of SSL server. Min. 4 and max. 64 alphanumeric extended characters. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks. Use "DFT" to decode default key files provided by Abilis. CERT-PATH: Directory where SSL certificate and key files are stored. "SYS" or a physical full path in DOS notation, i.e. starting with a drive letter in the range ['A'..'Z'] and ending with the '\' character. Max. 128 characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed. Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "C:\My dir\"). [13:32:22] ABILIS_CPX:
Added geolocalization for Abilisphone users.
When an Abilisphone user makes or receives a call it's geographical position is reported to the Abilis server.
The availability of a position is indicated in OPC panel by means of a dedicated icon: placing the mouse over the icon will show the time at which position has been delivered and clicking on it will open a popup window using Google maps.
The position will be deleted after 8 hours or upon Abilis reboot.
Here are two sample imagines of OPC panel and Google map:
Added Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. P31-DS3L into multicore supported list.
Added support for BCM5721 - chip present on standalone gigabit Ethernet card.
Removed support of XMODEM-128 and left only XMODEM-1K for file uploading. The '1K' option has been removed from FILE GET, LICENCE GET ACTIVE/FILE, TRACE GET, CONF GET commands, but if specified, it is tolerated.
D P command of resources IP-over-PPP now displays the whole stack from IP resource down to the lowest resource.
Output filtering: renamed current '-b' option to '-a' and added the possibility to specify the number of lines to be displayed after the one matching the given search string by means of '-aNNN', where NNN can be 1..999.
S G SYSRBDELAY command now displays the date and time of when the system will reboot.
D LDM[E] now permits to specify up to 10 SES and up to 10 ID.
Added possibility to specify a maximal number of simultaneous calls per group.
[13:57:33] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig ----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ ID: [DESCR:] S: R: MC: P: |P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 ... |... P62 P63 P64 [Px: CDO: CGO: SDO: SGO: RGO: SP: CODERS: DJ: MJ: T301: ] ----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ 0 [Iax/Sip/Disa/Vo group (Read Only)] R ST MAX NO |Iax Sip Disa Vo . ----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------ [13:57:34] CPX_ANTEK-PBX:_d ctig ? ... MC: Maximum number of connections [1..255, MAX] ... [13:57:42] ABILIS_CPX:
Removed 'ACTION' field and changed 'RULE' field to be a combination of Action and Rule fields.
Added IPoE statistics and diagnostics.
Improved handling of OPSTATE:DOWN.
Packets are now totally ignored and previous registration discarded.
All bufixes up to 8.1.2 are included in 8.2.0
Some icons are missing
Incorrect drivers.cfg and drivers.dft have been included in the distributed package. Please re-create drivers.cfg by running config.exe in a directory where drivers.cfg is missing and then obtain drivers.dft by issuing "SAVE CONF BACKUP" just after the start of config.exe.
Missing horizontal lines in realtime graph.
Copyright © Abilis