Released on May 8, 2006.
Changed IPSEC ECN parameter default value from FORBIDDEN to NOCARE.
Changed IPSEC TTL value from 0 to COPY.
Changed frequency of the RING signal generated by the POTS card from 20 to 25 Hz. This change makes POTS more respectful of ETSI recommendations.
Added FAILURE REASON diagnostic for ADSL USB modems.
Updated NAT with the same version present in 5.5.4, but features non supported by configuration (IKE awareness, TCP-OPENING timer, UDP-OPENING timer) remains disabled.
Added in Q.931/CTIR the transparent passing of NOTIFY message in certain Q.932 states, as allowed by Q.931 recommendation.
Added in PPP (IP res, subtype PPP) the display of local and remote logged user names in the diagnostics output.
Improved handling of TCP opening phase (SYN_RECEIVED): now TCP driver stores data into receiving windows also in this state.
Updated SNMP and SNMP mib with the new variables.
Fixed handling of buttons with MFIDE3 at startup. The bug prevented to enter the conf load/restore phase when CPX is booted keeping UP ARROW button pressed.
Fixed IPSEC stats and diags: IPSEC SA diags were displayed more times, and IPSEC SA in extended stats were not displayed.
Fixed a bug in SYS DISPLAY VERSIONS command which could cause a software exception, and consequently a system reboot.
Fixed filter by CTICL in D LDM/LDD.
Fixed a bug in SIMULATOR driver. When MCHK:YES there were conditions where the check erroneously failed.
Fixed a bug in BRIO cards driver. Under heavy traffic on D channel (e.g. X.25 with long frames) sometimes the transmitted frames were damaged.
Fixed a bug in BRI-HFC cards. Due to a chip bug, sometimes an interrupt was not generated and the data transmission got frozen forever. The fix adds a patch that enforces transmission recovery after a small timeout.
Fixed CTICL CALL(IN) statistic. If incoming call is immediately rejected it was not increased.
Fixed a weakness in cluster link establishment phase which, under network delays > 1 sec, caused a cluster link open failure.
Fixed Q931 B channel clearing after restart procedure. If restart occurred while some call was active, the channel referenced by the call remained in a “occupied” state, leaving it unavailable for further calls.
Fixed a bug in Q931/CTIR the caused the system to reboot with an exception. It occurred when outgoing Q931 message FIFO became full.
Fixed Q931 port diagnostics. The SCG field was rewritten with CG data, and CG field remained empty.
Fixed DTMF handling in VoIP card. When call entered RELAY state the DTMF were not passed anymore to CTIR. After the fix DTMF codes are always passed to CTIR.
Fixed PPPoA which was not fully compliant with RFC2364. Now ACFC and PFC options are not sent during negotiation for ADSL lower layers, and AC (Address/Control) fields are not included into packets.
Fixed a bug in HTTP that generated a never ending loop, with a consequent WDLIVE. This bug was triggered by some particular failures during session opening.
Released on March 8, 2006.
Added protection from simultaneous validation/save procedures. In the case that those procedures were executed simultaneously there was a possibility to save not-validated data.
Added support of TX and RX clock inversion for ESB2 and V35/V24 interfaces.
Improved POTS “NUM” verification to avoid duplicity in all situations of configuration changes, e.g. when activating a CTIP that was previously deactivated.
Improved realtime response when saving configuration. On low speed machines it caused perceivable compressed voice degradation.
Improved MFIDE2 and MFIDE3 support with the detection of ABNORMAL SYSTEM RESET condition and its indication in system log.
Improved MFIDE2 and MFIDE3 diagnostics, now all fields are fully decoded.
Extended FTP and HTTP virtual pathnames to 260 characters and physical pathnames to 255.
Extended CP interface to accept commands up to 512 characters.
Extended confix.exe utility with '-cc' and '-cu' command line options. Option '-cc' creates configuration file only if it does not exist, option '-cu' creates configuration file unconditionally.
Changed IP resource parameter “OUTBUF:” default value from 50 to 100.
Changed Eth100 resource parameter “DMA-RXBUF:” default value from 25 to 250.
Changed NoAcRes statistics in CTISYS. Up to 5.4.7 NoAcRes counted call failures for two reasons: no Ac resource available and no compatible coder available. Now the two conditions are separated in NoAcRes and NoAcCoder, for a more qualitative information.
Fixed CONF RELOAD command, a newly added resource was not deleted with the reload from disk of previous configuration.
Fixed another H323 ASN1 packet decoding which could cause a system reboot.
Fixed BRIO problem that caused D-channel lock in the case that X25 over D channels was used with PS:256 and PW greater than 2.
Fixed problem with BRI-HFC cards that could lock completely the CPX and cause WDLIVE wit no further information.
Fixed display of AC resources in VoIP cards. The output of D D/DE/S/SE CTIAC was incorrect for DSP on VoIP cards.
Fixed handling of hold-retrieve in VoIP cards which caused calls to stay mute or drop.
Fixed bug in PPP. When PPP-DNS-PRI is set in IPRTR, the D D of the IP resource shown the PPP-DNS-PRI address as REMOTE-IP-ADDRESS. Bug was in visualisation only, internal use was correct.
Fixed PPP inactivity bug when working as server: in some situation inactivity timer was not reset even if a new frame was received.
Fixed bug in FTP that could cause corruption of an uploaded file. Problem was in bad thread synchronisation between PASV and STOR commands.
Fixed a bug in NAT that could trigger a NULL pointer exception.
Fixed a bug in IP resources when setting FAIRQUEUE:NO. The bug was that interface stopped working! It was introduced in 5.4.7.
Other minor fixes.
Released on January 16, 2006.
Added fpanel/mfide detected type registration in system log.
Improved mfide3 handling with the addition of logging in system log of system “power-on” information.
Changed Fax relay, not-ECM transmissions are now enforced for improved compatibility.
Fixed AC statistics, DISCARD field was not cleared upon C S CTIAC command.
Fixed serious problem with VoIP cards: if a user was “off-hook” and using a coder <> G.711 A-law an incoming to that port failed with “user busy” BUT caused the coder to be forcedly changed to G.711 A-law. Both users involved in the ongoing call started to hear garbage sound until call was dropped and reopened.
Fixed Q931 driver by adding stoppage of T310 if CALL_PROCEEDING carries Progress Indicator 1 or 2. This problem caused unexpected call drop to certain services, often those of the Italian 899 prefix.
Fixed H323 ASN1 packet decoding which could cause a system reboot.
Fixed memory allocation estimation shown by “debug mem -d” command.
Fixed bug in SSH session closure which left sessions in CLEARED state.
Fixed IPRTR virtual port configuration. Values FAIRQUEUE and MTU was read from hidden parameters of the virtual IP resource rather than inherited from the PRIMARY port.
Improved Fairqueueing implementation and debug outputs. Now each different protocol specified in the IP header (e.g. ICMP, OSPF) is assigned to a different flow. Of course TCP and UDP have further flow assignment based on source and destination port as usual.
Fixed statistic of discarded datagram upon “no space” condition, the statistic was not increased properly. This bug affected statistic visible only through DEBUG RES:IPRTR command.
Released on December 23, 2005.
Added parameters verification for ping and traceroute commands. Now if a parameter is not valid an error message appears.
Added saving of debug log upon exception.
Changed CTI cluster retries when cluster-link is in state L2-CONNECTED, now 12 retries are executed instead of 3, the 1 second timeout has been preserved. This change was required to better tolerate packet loss over internet. In the establisment phase the retry counter remains 3, thus guaranteeing a fast call setup failure detection, important for properexecution of alternative routings.
Modified POTS card initialisation. A 10 msec delay was added between activation of thepower supply of each port, reducing the requested peak power.
Improved ADSL modem driver with another autorecovery in case of from USB blockage.
Fixed bug in IPRTR-PPP internal interface which caused, in some situations, a misalignment between the actual PPP negotiated MTU and the value passed to IPRTR.
Fixed generation of the ICMP message related to “don't fragment bit set”, it was not generate on interface whose current MTU was 1500.
Fixed PLINKE level statistics ENC-V-IN and FRM-V-OPT-IN, the values of the second path was added to values of the first path, thus distorting counters of both paths.
Fixed bug in NAT, in case of PAT:NO records were duplicated into dynamic translation table causing a fast table fill and slower packet handling. This bug was introduce in 5.4.5 as side effect of another bug fix.
Fixed SNMP mib and document.
Fixed setting of TI interval in CTI routings. When format day1+day2..+dayx was used only last one was saved.
Released on December 9, 2005.
Improved protections when VoIP card is in FAILED state: incoming calls are now refused.
Added system logging of VoIP card DSP failures.
Improved POTS driver.
Added a small DTMF tracer in POTS, accessible via debug commands.
Changed IPACLBYPASS implementation. Now it is used only AFTER IPACL check, and only if it returned a DENY. The result is that packets matching IPACL PERMIT entries will get IPCOS and TOS-OUT as specified in the IPACL, while packets matching a DENY entry may be passed because of match with IPACLBYPASS with the assigment of IPCOS=COSDFT and TOS unchanged.
Fixed a PPP bug which caused to stop request of the local IP address if the request was once refused with a NAK.
Fixed a NAT bug which could cause the insertion of a bad translation with the effect of making NAT fully not-functional.
Updated SNMP mib. Not updated yet the mib description.
Released on November 16, 2005.
Added support for USB hard disks and USB 8in1 card readers.
Changed default value of SMTP parameter QUEUE-LIFE-TIME from 604800 to 86400 seconds.
Added SMTP multiline reply handling in session receiver.
Added provenance option for TRACERT command.
Added -Z option (set delay between consecutive ping requests) and removed -B option (suppresses the one second interval between requests) for both PING and TRACERT commands.
Improved SSH server that accepts packets 33,000 bytes long. ZMODEM didn't work through SSH because previous size was 2,048 bytes.
Big optimisations in IPRTR/ICMP/TCP/UDP drivers.
Fixed SMTP Session, null reverse-path accepted in MAIL command as specified in RFC821 paragraph 3.6.
Fixed possible deadlock conditions in connection oriented router (COR) during the clearing phase.
Fixed ZMODEM file transfer, transfer often failed.
Fixed VoIP card driver: in some situation it was possible to hang the whole card.
Fixed some bug in CTIR which caused system exception and reboot in case of specific configuration change in clusters followed by INIT CTISYS.
Fixed IKE refresh bug, it caused system exception and reboot.
Fixed PLINKE driver: a specially crafted packet could cause system exception and reboot.
Fixed POP3 driver for old mails removal and AUTH command processing
Fixed SSH driver, there was a bug in sending data on timer expiry.
Other minor fixes.
Released on October 7, 2005.
Added option -b to “ping” command. It suppresses the one second interval between requests.
Fixed ICMP bugs introduced in 5.4.2, the source address of generated ICMP errors was often improper.
Fixed bug in setting KEEPALIVE parameter of TELNET, SSH and XTP resources. The result of the setting was always “COMMAND EXECUTED” even in case of invalid values.
Fixed POP3 state machine which in some circumstances could cause a session lock in a bad state.
Fixed treatment of domain names in SMTP to be case insensitive.
Released on September 22, 2005.
Added support for new ethernet cards: VIA VT6105 and VIA VT6103.
Added -f option in PING command, it sets DF bit (don't fragment) in echo request.
Added user management via HTTP pages: admin can administer users, and each user can change his own password.
Fixed TRCMGRW: For a compilation mistake this tool included in Abilis CPX distributions from 5.3.1 to 5.4.1 is buggy and does not extract trace data.
Fixed ICMP improper source address when generating error messages, it caused serious problems when source routing was in use.
Fixed detection of *,#,A,B,C,D digits in VoIP card.
Fixed problem with 'stop ringing' in VoIP : in some special case ringing was not stopped.
Fixed CDI parameter display in IP X25BSVCresources, a wrong value was displayed.
Released on August 10, 2005.
Enhanced D CPUID commands which supports VIA CPUs too.
Improved POP3 with “old mails” deletion.
Fixed fax relay. It didn't work in 5.4.0.
Released on August 4, 2005.
Summary of the most important changes with respect to version 5.3.8.
Added support for a new type of card for pots interfaces. This card is named VoIP and offers 2 pots ports and have on-board DSP for voice compression and fax-relay. This card does not host a TDM switching matrix therefore to establish a connection between two VoIP ports it is necessary to use local clusters, which are obtained using two PV resources set on one of the internal IP addresses. VoIP ports are usable only by means of VtoC and CtoV routings.
Added support for new DSP chips which maybe mounted on BRI-HFC, CTIHA2, QPRI2, PB44, VoIP cards.
Added two parameters in CTISYS configuration to tune treatment of Silence Information Descriptors packets (SID) according to user preferences. It has effect only if Silence Compression (SC) is enabled.
Added SMTP server. It supports up to 150 local mailboxes and a single local domain.
Added POP3 server for access to local mailboxes. It supports PLAIN, APOP and AUTH authentications. It does not support encrypted SSL connections.
Added D CPUID commands which shows the details of the CPU used (Intel or AMD), and the measured CPU speed. Support for VIA processors identification will be present in future releases.
Extended maximal number of lists from 64 to 250.
Added support for PPPoE LLCMUX and VCMUX for the ADSL USB modem.
Changed all CTIP LOG parameter from NO to DS.
Added ciphering inside PLINKE driver. This ciphering is more secure than MLM ciphering because the entire UDP payload ciphered. It also ciphers voice packets much more efficiently (less bandwidth wasted) than cipher enabled at MLM level.
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