Released on September 27, 2011.
Added support for Redirect Number Incoming (RGI) and Redirect Number Outgoing (RGO) fields:
`red_num_in_type` int(2) `red_num_in_plan` int(2) `red_num_in_pres` int(2) `red_num_in_screen` int(2) `red_num_in` varchar(32) `red_num_out_type` int(2) `red_num_out_plan` int(2) `red_num_out_pres` int(2) `red_num_out_screen` int(2) `red_num_out` varchar(32)
The version 1.2.0 requires a database upgrade, which has to be performed with database/ script.
Added new "(IN) Redirecting Num" and "(OUT) Redirecting Num" fields in detailed view.
In detailed view, below the fields "(IN) Called", "(IN) Calling", "(OUT) Called" and "(OUT) Calling" the respective numbers were added.
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