The table of HTTP Virtual Root Paths can hold up to 64 definitions.
HTTP Virtual Root Path definitions are kept alphabetically sorted. News definition are added in the correct position of the table on the base of the currently defined entries. Likewise the entry deletion will cause the table to be rearranged.
The table of HTTP Virtual Root Paths can be modified while the Abilis CPX is working without needing to restart it. Changes made on the table can be activated by executing the initialization command INIT PO:xxx, where "xxx" is the HTTP port number.
Commands for handling HTTP Virtual Root Paths are described in the HTTP Virtual Root Paths table section of the document Commands relating to HTTP.
The available commands are the following:
A HTTP PATH:In the following example are displayed all the entries of the table of HTTP Virtual Root Paths. Displayed values are only samples.
[16:32:16] ABILIS_CPX: D HTTP PATH - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) --------------------------------- Parameter: |Value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH: /leo/ PHYS-PATH: c:\usr\pub\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH: /test/ PHYS-PATH: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATH: /trfafiles/ PHYS-PATH: c:\app\trfa\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not refreshed with the INIT PO:xxx command.
PATH: | Virtual root path |
no value | up to 32 characters (see also long file names) |
Specifies virtual root path for a directory on disk, in UNIX notation starting and ending with a slash ("/") (E.g.: "/Common/" or "/usr/").
Maximum 32 characters are accepted. Spaces are allowed and strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "/My dir/").
There is no difference between lowercase and uppercase characters. For example the strings "/APPDIR/" and "/appdir/" are equivalent. However, when an entry is created, the case is preserved.
The virtual root path "/sys/" cannot be defined because it is reserved to the system.
Virtual path "/" cannot be accepted because "/" does never refer to physical path, it is only the "container" of virtual paths.
PHYS-PATH: | Physical path |
empty | from 0 up to 128 characters (see also long file names) |
Specifies real path on disks of a directory. It must be a physical full path in DOS notation, i.e. starting with a drive letter in the range ['A'..'Z'] and ending with a backslash ("\") (E.g.: "C:\", "A:\", "C:\USR\TEST\").
Maximum 128 characters are accepted. Spaces are allowed and strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "C:\USR\My dir\").
There is no difference between lowercase and uppercase characters. For example the strings "C:\APP\MYDIR\" and "c:\app\mydir\" are equivalent. However, when an entry is created, the case is preserved.
The table of HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights can hold up to 128 path definitions and up to 300 user definitions.
HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights entries are identified by an index in the range [1 - 128].
Path and user definitions are kept alphabetically sorted. The new definition will be added in the correct position of the table on the base of the currently defined entries. Likewise entries deletion will cause a table rearrangement on the base of the currently defined entries.
Special attention must be paid in deleting a path definition, in fact deleting a path causes also the deletion of all user entries that are eventually defined for it.
Changes made on the table of HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights are immediately active, they do not require any initialization command to be operative.
Commands for handling HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights are described in the HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights table section of the document Commands relating to HTTP.
The available commands are the following:
A HTTP RIGHTS ID:In the following example are displayed all the entries of the table of HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights. Displayed values are the default ones.
[16:33:25] ABILIS_CPX: D HTTP RIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID: PATH: USER: FILE: DIR: RECUR: PROT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 /sys/ admin r--- l--- YES PLAIN,SSL anonymous r--- ---- NO PLAIN,SSL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here there is a sample about how to see all virtual paths for which a cartain user is defined:
[17:04:03] ABILIS_CPX: D HTTP RIGHTS USER:anonymous - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID: PATH: USER: FILE: DIR: RECUR: PROT: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 /sys/ anonymous r--- ---- NO PLAIN,SSL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 /test/ anonymous r--- l--- YES PLAIN,SSL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 /test_2/ anonymous r--- l--- YES PLAIN,SSL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
ID: | Virtual path identifier |
no value | 1 - 128 |
Specifies the identifier assigned to the virtual path definition when it was added to the HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights.
HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights entries are are kept alphabetically sorted, then the identifiers are not neccessary displayed in sequential order by the D HTTP RIGHTS command.
The assigned identifier can be used by the user to simply the entry manipulation in addition, deletion setting and diaplying operations.
PATH: | Virtual path value |
no value | up to 128 characters (see also long file names) |
Specifies virtual path, in UNIX notation starting and ending with a slash ("/") (E.g.: "/Common/" or "/usr/konstt/").
Maximum 128 characters are accepted. Spaces are allowed and strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks (E.g.: "/user dir/My dir/").
There is no difference between lowercase and uppercase characters. For example the following strings "/user dir/my dir/", "/USER DIR/MY DIR/", "/User Dir/My Dir/" are equivalent. However, when an entry is created, the case is preserved.
USER: | User name |
no value | up to 32 ASCII characters [33..126] |
Specifies the name of the user for which access rights are specified.
Valid "USER:" names are strings of up to 32 ASCII characters in the range [33..126]. Spaces are not allowed. There is no difference between lowercase and uppercase characters. For example the following strings "MyUser", "MYUSER", "myuser" are equivalent. However, when an entry is created, the case is preserved.
User definitions are kept alphabetically sorted. The new definition will be added in the correct position of the table on the base of the currently defined entries.
FILE: | Rigths for file operations |
r--- | +/-R, +/-W, +/-D, +/-N |
Specifies rights that are granted to the USER: for file operations on the virtual PATH:.
Rights can be added putting the plus character ("+") before the corresponding letter (E.g.: "+R+W").
Rights can be removed putting the minus character ("-") before the corresponding letter (E.g.: "-D").
In the case that the sign is omitted before the letter, the plus one is assumed.
Value | Meanning | Description |
R | Read | Files reading right. |
W | Write | Files writing right. |
D | Delete | Files deleting right. |
N | reName | Files renaming right. |
DIR: | Rigths for directory operations |
l--- | +/- L,C,D,N |
Specifies rights that are granted to the USER: for directory operations on the virtual PATH:.
Rights can be added putting the plus character ("+") before the corresponding letter (E.g.: "+L").
Rights can be removed putting the minus character ("-") before the corresponding letter (E.g.: "-D-C").
In the case that the sign is omitted before the letter, the plus one is assumed.
Value | Meanning | Description |
L | List | Directories listing right. |
C | Create | Directories creating right. |
D | Delete | Directory deleting right. |
N | reName | Directory renaming right. |
RECUR: | Recursive rights propagation |
This parameter specifies whether this right has to be extended to all the sub-directories of the virtual PATH:, until one is found with an explicit rights definition.
PROT: | Connection protocol |
This parameter specifies which connection protocol (PLAIN, SSL or both) is applicable to thi entry.
Values can be joined using the comma (",") character.
Long file names may consist of any combination of letters, digits, or character values greater than 127 (0x7E). In particular, the following special characters are ALSO allowed:
Character | ASCII Hex. value |
$ | 0x24 |
% | 0x25 |
' | 0x26 |
- | 0x2D |
_ | 0x5F |
@ | 0x40 |
~ | 0x7E |
` | 0x60 |
! | 0x21 |
( | 0x28 |
) | 0x29 |
{ | 0x7B |
} | 0x7D |
^ | 0x5E |
# | 0x23 |
& | 0x26 |
. | 0x2E |
+ | 0x2B |
, | 0x2C |
; | 0x3B |
= | 0x2D |
[ | 0x5B |
] | 0x5D |
Also embedded spaces within file names are allowed, while leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
The following characters are NOT allowed:
Character | ASCII Hex. value |
\ | 0x5C |
/ | 0x2F |
: | 0x3A |
* | 0x2A |
? | 0x3F |
" | 0x22 |
< | 0x3C |
> | 0x3E |
| | 0x7C |