A CRKEY | Add Cryptography key (Administrator) |
A CRKEY:xx VAL:val [DESC:val] |
This command adds a new key in the Table of Cryptography Keys.
There can be up to 64 definitions in the table (indexed from 0 to 63). The zero index position is always dedicated to the default cryptography key, automatically provided by the system. The default key can be used whenever the user does not need to define his own private key. Consequently the user defined indexes must be within the interval [1 - 63].
The value of the cryptography keys is set through the obligatory parameter VAL:,
which is a strings, made of 8 up to 32 ASCII characters in the range [33..126], spaces are not allowed.
Through the optional parameter DESC:, is also possible to associate descriptions to the cryptography
keys for supporting the configuration activities, which is a strings, made of 0 up to 64 ASCII characters in the range [33..126],
spaces are not allowed.
If a cryptography key,
whose index is "CRKEY:xx", already exists in the table, an error message will be display: "CRYPTOGRAPHY KEY ALREADY EXISTS".
If the table is full and a new key is going to be added, the following error message will be shown: "CRKEY TABLE IS FULL, COMMAND NOT EXECUTED".
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
C CRKEY | Clear Cryptography key (Administrator) |
C CRKEY:xx |
This command deletes, if present, a cryptography key from the Table of Cryptography Keys.
The index of the cryptography key specified must be in the interval [1 - 63]. The default key, provided by the system, always occupies the zero index position and it cannot be delete by the User.
If the specified cryptography key is not present in the table, the following error message will be shown: "CRYPTOGRAPHY KEY NOT PRESENT".
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
D CRKEY | Display Cryptography key (User) |
This command shows the content of the Table of Cryptography Keys.
Cryptography keys are stored in memory and saved on disk in a coded way. Once the value of the cryptography key is set, it cannot be shown anymore, so when the table has to be displayed, the key will be masked by a string of eight '*' (asterisk) characters, aside from the actual key length.
If the cryptography key index is omitted, the command shows the key well defined. Entries defined in the Table of Cryptography Keys might not have sequential identifiers, such that the not shown values represent available place in the table.
Here is an example of the command "D CRKEY" execution.
[17:57:29] ABILIS_CPX: D CRKEY - Not Saved (SAVE CONF) ------------------------------------------------------- CRKEY: VAL: DESC: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 ******** Default_encryption/decryption_key 3 ******** Test_cypher_key_1 10 ******** Test_cypher_key_2
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
If the cryptography key index is specified, the command will display only information about the asked key. The cryptography key specified index must be within the interval [0 - 63].
Here is an example of the command "D CRKEY:3" execution.
[17:57:29] ABILIS_CPX: D CRKEY:3 CRKEY: VAL: DESC: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 ******** Test_cypher_key_1
If the specified cryptography key is not defined, the following error message will be shown: "CRYPTOGRAPHY KEY NOT PRESENT".
S CRKEY | Set Cryptography key (Administrator) |
S CRKEY:xx par:val [par:val] |
It sets the value (VAL:) or the description (DESC:) of the specified cryptography key, of course if it is present in the table.
The index of the cryptography key specified must be within the interval [1 - 63]. The default key, provided by the system, always occupies the zero index position: its value and description are fixed and they cannot be modified.
If the key is not defined,
the following error message "CRYPTOGRAPHY KEY NOT PRESENT" will be shown.
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the table is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.